php Programming Glossary: favor
Allow javascript in php form and avoid hacking like JsFiddle did give up on a similar system called FBML FBJS in favor of the iframe sandboxing approach. share improve this answer..
Crash Course in Web Development (PHP+HTML) [closed] and actually put it on the web please do the world a favor and take some time to read up on web security. Nearly all tutorials..
data mapper vs active record [closed]
declare property as object?
Htmlentities vs addslashes vs mysqli_real_escape_string going into a db should be deprecated in all new code in favor of prepared statements. Anyone who tells you otherwise is doing..
Building highly scalable web services I would consider moving away from the relation database in favor of for example Cassandra . This is a move which I see a lot..
Domain-driven design with Zend some time but development on those has been terminated in favor of integrating ZF with Doctrine . Doctrine is also the closest..
Why is `ereg` deprecated in PHP? Note As of PHP 5.3.0 the regex extension is deprecated in favor of the PCRE extension. Calling this function will issue an E_DEPRECATED..
Simple test vs PHPunit to phpunit tests . I've yet to see any argument in favor of SimpleTest. It's not even simpler to install since PHPUnit..
How do you manage SQL Queries databases Secondly stored procedures have fallen out of favor in my eyes. I came from the WinDNA school of indoctrination..
Auditing a PHP codebase by that expression will be ignored. Do yourself a favor and perform a find all in your IDE for the @ symbol and divide..
What unit testing in PHP to start [duplicate] IDE Netbeans Eclipse ... I've yet to see any argument in favor of Simpletest. It's not even simpler to install since PHPUnit..
jQuery Ajax POST example with php jQuery 1.8 .success .error and .complete are deprecated in favor of .done .fail and .always. PHP i.e. form.php you can access..
PHP global in functions in frameworks are code smells that should be removed in favor of Dependency Injection. Decouple your code. More Resources..
PHP Framework for a beginner, expecting a longlasting relationship with it [duplicate] most. About PHP5 vs PHP4 with PHP5 compatibility I tend to favor all PHP5 frameworks now it's definitely time to let go PHP4..
How to share APC cache between several PHP processes when running under FastCGI? own cache or disabling fcgid fastcgi's process spawning in favor of PHP's built in management. Let's hope this changes in the..
Cannot get PHPunit working pear install phpunit WARNING pear PHPUnit is deprecated in favor of phpunit PHPUnit Did not download dependencies pear PHP_Compat..
PHP/SQL Database querying good practice and security improve this question My recommendations ditch mysqli in favor of PDO with mysql driver use PDO paremeterized prepared statements..
update database when a user shared a link to facebook at this link . The Share button has been deprecated in favor of the Like button and will no longer be supported. Please use..