php Programming Glossary: fb.event.subscribe
How do you get a facebook user's information and insert it into a database? true oauth true This is used with facebook button FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.login' function response if response.authResponse Specify.. fb login button is situated window.location 'main.php' FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.logout' function response window.location 'logout.php'..
Facebook PHP-SDK seems to lose userID after page refresh frictionlessRequests true useCachedDialogs true oauth true FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.login' function response window.location.reload FB.Event.subscribe.. 'auth.login' function response window.location.reload FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.logout' function response window.location.reload function..
How do I get my Facebook application to automatically ask for the required permissions post installation parse XFBML Whenever the user logs in we refresh the page FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.login' function window.location.reload function var.. XFBML Whenever the user logs in we refresh the page. FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.login' function window.location.reload function var.. loginUrl Whenever the user logs in we refresh the page. FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.login' function window.location.reload function var..
Trouble with a script for logging amount of facebook likes with mysql + php script script FB.init status true cookie true xfbml true FB.Event.subscribe 'edge.create' function response alert response if response http.. script script FB.init status true cookie true xfbml true FB.Event.subscribe 'edge.create' function response .ajax type POST url popular..
facebook auto re-login from cookie php true FB.getLoginStatus function response onStatus response FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.statusChange' onStatus FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.login'.. response FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.statusChange' onStatus FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.login' reloadPage function onStatus response if response.session..
Facebook PHP SDK getSession() fails to get session. Cookie problem? appId ' echo APP_ID ' status true cookie true xfbml true FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.login' function response window.location.reload script..
Codeignitor, Facebook javascript SDK, PHP SDK Redirect after facebook login doesnt getUser() until refresh User signs in and grants perms 3. Facebook redirects uses FB.Event.subscribe auth.login to redirect my login controller 4. My login controller.. cookie true xfbml true channel.html file oauth true FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.login' function response window.location 'http www. Mysite.. response window.location 'http www. Mysite .com login' FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.logout' function response window.location 'http www...
FB login callback function not responding if user is already logged in facebook status true cookie true xfbml true oauth true FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.login' function response obj response.authResponse token.. and check for the status of the user in response. FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.statusChange' function response check for status in the..
update database when a user shared a link to facebook post has already happened when the like button was clicked FB.Event.subscribe 'edge.create' function response alert 'You liked the URL ' response..
Facebook getUser() returns 0 ' status true cookie true xfbml true oauth true FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.login' function window.location ' php echo base_url auth_other..