php Programming Glossary: felt
proc_open interaction stopped running but ssh did run. So I got hopeful then felt stupid and eventually desperate p proc_open 'bash ssh user@host'..
Get all inserted IDs when inserting multiple rows using a single query a separate insert statement for each setting but having felt this wasn't a particularly good way to do it I thought of inserting..
Best XML Parser for PHP [duplicate] though it worked OK I wasn't happy with it in general it felt like I was using workarounds for things that should be basic..
Using MX records to validate email addresses made about asking the mail server for the user to verify i felt this would be too much traffic and might get my server banned..
I never really understood: what is CGI? naive from the name. I feel that I understood this and I felt this every time I encountered this word. But frankly I didn't...
Commitment to Zend Framework - any arguments against? can fall back to Zend_Form Zend_Db_Table although I never felt the need. EDIT There are some new kids worth checking out like..
Why are functions and methods in PHP case-insensitive? that since all the functions introduced essentially felt like tags in an HTML document and since HTML tags were case..
Complex WHERE clause with Zend_Dd using multiple AND OR operators I did figure out one method of making this work but I felt it was sort of 'cheating' by using PHP to combine the OR clauses..
MVC: how much code should be in a view? complained the non coder wouldn't know where to look I felt it necessary to show how easy it is to tell the non coder where..
LMS in Python/Django/Ruby/Rails/PHP [closed] more than a month using Moodle and being a developer I felt I should not use it... php python ruby on rails django share..
Magento bulk price changes also had to do similar things in a pinch before. Plus I felt like writing a little SQL. If you just want to multiply costs..
Pros and Cons of Interface constants why they are Bad Practice but since Java isn't PHP I felt it justified to ask it within the PHP tag again. php interface..
Repeating Events on the “nth” Weekday of Every Month
Efficient PHP auto-loading and naming strategies that each use their own autoloading. However I've never felt great about the loading functions that I write. They involve..
How to get user timezone using jquery? is my first post here but hopefully I can help someone. I felt compelled because this site has helped me a lot. Thanks stackoverflow..
Recursive PHP Regex the information needed to solve the problem. But I also felt like adding a fully fleshed out solution to the specific question..