php Programming Glossary: faultcode
PHP SOAP Transfering Files connecting to Server if client fault echo Fault client faultcode br echo String client faultstring br else print_r response If..
Soapclient query a Sharepoint web service any catch SoapFault fault echo 'Fault code '. fault faultcode echo 'Fault string '. fault faultstring echo ' pre ' . rawXMLresponse..
content type 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' was not the expected type 'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8' the expected type 'application soap xml charset utf 8'. faultcode string 4 HTTP GET LAST RESPONSE REQUEST HEADERS POST DPWebService..
Handling Soap timeouts in PHP 1 In case of timeout PHP throws a SoapFault exception with faultcode HTTP and faultstring Error Fetching http headers . 2 In my opinion.. timeout error and web service issues is by looking at the faultcode and faultstring members of the SoapFault class . In particular.. members of the SoapFault class . In particular the faultcode element is intended for use by software to provide an algorithmic..
Connecting to WS-Security protected Web Service with PHP soap envelope SOAP ENV Body SOAP ENV Fault faultcode WSDL faultcode faultstring SOAP ERROR Parsing WSDL Couldn't.. soap envelope SOAP ENV Body SOAP ENV Fault faultcode WSDL faultcode faultstring SOAP ERROR Parsing WSDL Couldn't load from 'https..