php Programming Glossary: feels
Zend Framework forms, decorators and validation: should I go back to plain HTML? is that each form should be defined twice which just feels plain wrong. Are there any guidelines to do this Have any of..
Soccer simulation for a game
Adjusting time zone in PHP with DateTime / DateTimeZone printf Offset s br time_offset But it feels awkward to me. Anyone know a cleaner way to do it php datetime..
How are people handling content management system production staging? a CMS I come from a background where pushing to production feels like sending people to the moon so I may need to relax a little..
echo innerHTML, without outer node tags I settled for echo substr dom saveXML contents 6 7 Still feels hacky to me but it's the best I could find. Is there a more..
isset() and empty() make code ugly terms of value or meaning. Is there anybody out there who feels the same way What do you do about it I am looking and hoping..
Minimalistic PHP blogging engine with focus on code quality [closed] and extending it often isn't fun. Also the back end feels extremely slow on slightly older machines and becomes bearable..
PHP htmlentities() on input before DB insert, instead of on output As we display the same user_input on a lot of places it feels more efficient do to it on the input instead are there any downsides..
Simplify PHP DOM XML parsing - how? not work when all you have to change is an s . That just feels too much like wanting to be spoonfed. share improve this answer..
Is there better way to transpose a PHP 2D array? array_merge array NULL array_of_arrays However this feels very dirty and clumsy. And so I ask Is there a better way to..
What are some of Drupal's shortcomings? [closed] to add almost any functionality which is great. However it feels like a lot of the features v5 and v6 seem scattered around and..
(When) should I use type hinting in PHP? and leverages the code modularization and reuse. It feels like type hints split the language into 2 dialects some people..
Object-oriented-like structures in relational databases assn worker notes assn etc you get the drill. This feels like a code smell to me. Whenever a customer changes their role..
How To Execute SSH Commands Via PHP SSH mkdir testing Anything better That feels so 'naughty' . php ssh shell exec share improve this question..
best way to determine if a URL is an image in PHP the moment I am just looking at the file extension but it feels like there should be a better way than this. Here is what I..
How to make a chat room script with PHP? ever 2 seconds polling if something new has happened. it feels strange because you only get responses at those intervals. additionally..
Is it really that wrong not using setters and getters? programming in PHP probably because it is so flexible it feels kind of like a waste of time. It feels simpler to just set the.. is so flexible it feels kind of like a waste of time. It feels simpler to just set the class attributes as public most of the..
Run PHP Task Asynchronously away. Up until now in some places I've been using what feels like a hack with exec . Basically doing things like exec doTask.php..
php mysql fulltext search: lucene, sphinx, or? as a proxy between your clients and your MySQL server feels like a big substantial win to me share improve this answer..