php Programming Glossary: faulty
PHP include causes white space at the top of the page in my page thanks to php include or maybe it is just some faulty css. I just uploaded it here . Many thanks. You can find the..
Websocket - client doesn't receive data 125 bytes but 65536 your problem might be caused by a faulty format string to pack. I think this one should be 'CCn' your..
PHP - Processing Invalid XML libxml_get_errors as error pos is the position of the faulty character you have to compute it yourself pos compute_position..
Secure User Image Upload Capabilities in PHP the image will probably get rid of most exploits that use faulty image data to cause overflows in the viewer software and inject..
php mysql query encoding problem client with a wrong character set display output may be faulty as well that probably goes for retrieval via mysql_fetch_ as..
How to correct double-encoded UTF-8 strings sitting in MySQL utf8_general_ci fields? 8859 1' 'UTF 8' string string utf8_encode string These faulty strings have been saved into multiple table fields all over.. thru the affected tables SELECTing the records correct the faulty records by using utf8_decode on the double encoded fields and..
PHP Output buffering, Content Encoding Error caused by ob_gzhandler? provoked with an incompletely generated output by a faulty php script HTTP 1.1 200 OK X Powered By PHP 5.3.6 Content Encoding..
Access Exchange Web Services with PHP and cURL credentials work on my windows machine I extracted the faulty piece of code and tried running it stand alone it looks like..
Does PHP support conjunction and disjunction natively? the OR condition die is executed. result mysql_query some faulty query die Error Note that short circuit evaluation works when..