php Programming Glossary: errfile
Error logging, in a smooth way Setup Error Handler function errorHandler errno errstr errfile errline errcontext Perform your error handling here respecting..
Disable warnings when loading non-well-formed HTML by DomDocument (PHP) return result function onError errno errstr errfile errline this errors array errno errstr errfile errline function.. errstr errfile errline this errors array errno errstr errfile errline function ok return count this errors 0 function errors..
Can I try/catch a warning? errors into exceptions. function handleError errno errstr errfile errline array errcontext error was suppressed with the @ operator.. return false throw new ErrorException errstr 0 errno errfile errline set_error_handler 'handleError' try dns_get_record catch..
MySQL server has gone away - in exactly 60 seconds start . br echo br function sqlErrorHandler errno errstr errfile errline global link echo Error errno br errstr br echo mysql_ping..
PHP DOMDocument error handling on error function exception_error_handler errno errstr errfile errline throw new ErrorException errstr 0 errno errfile errline..
How can I catch a “catchable fatal error” on PHP type hinting? e.g. function myErrorHandler errno errstr errfile errline if E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR errno echo 'catched' catchable.. a try catch block function myErrorHandler errno errstr errfile errline if E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR errno echo 'catched' catchable.. fatal error n throw new ErrorException errstr errno 0 errfile errline return true return false set_error_handler 'myErrorHandler'..
How do I catch a PHP Fatal Error fatal_handler function fatal_handler errfile unknown file errstr shutdown errno E_CORE_ERROR errline 0 error.. 0 error error_get_last if error NULL errno error type errfile error file errline error line errstr error message error_mail.. errstr error message error_mail format_error errno errstr errfile errline You will have to define the error_mail and format_error..
Outputting all PHP errors to database not error_log from the manual function myErrorHandler errno errstr errfile errline you'd have to import or set up the connection here mysql_query..
Strict mode in PHP? E_STRICT function terminate_missing_variables errno errstr errfile errline if errno E_NOTICE and strstr errstr Undefined variable.. and strstr errstr Undefined variable die errstr in errfile line errline return false Let the PHP error handler handle all..
How to wrap long lines without spaces in HTML?