php Programming Glossary: eof
PHP and MS Access FROM Employees f1 rS Fields 0 f2 rS Fields 1 while rS EOF print f1 value. . f2 value. br n rS MoveNext rS Close db_conn..
Stop using `global` in PHP SELECT from settings rsc db Execute sql if rsc while rsc EOF field rsc fields 'setting_options' config field rsc fields 'setting_values'..
unable to send mail in php using mailer class 1023 SMTP ERROR HELO not accepted from server SMTP NOTICE EOF caught while checking if connected SMTP Connect failed. Mailer..
Find all files with Blank or WS at BOF or EOF all files with Blank or WS at BOF or EOF Everyone knows PHP hates blank lines at the beginning or end..
What's this kind of syntax in PHP? this kind of syntax in PHP test EOF .... EOF Never see it before what's it used for php syntax.. this kind of syntax in PHP test EOF .... EOF Never see it before what's it used for php syntax share improve..
php (fuzzy) search matching . Dummy data pretend they're news headlines titles EOF Apple Apples Orange Oranges Banana EOF titles explode n titles.. headlines titles EOF Apple Apples Orange Oranges Banana EOF titles explode n titles At this point titles should just be..
format xml string ' xml ' element attribute 'something ' ... element ' xml EOF element attribute something element EOF I'm pretty sure it is.. ... element ' xml EOF element attribute something element EOF I'm pretty sure it is the last one php xml string share improve..
How to sort a multi-dimensional XML file? start THIS WORKS echo' pre ' foreach xml as deadline echo EOF Date deadline date Text deadline text EOF echo' pre ' end THIS.. as deadline echo EOF Date deadline date Text deadline text EOF echo' pre ' end THIS WORKS Does anyone have a simple PHP solution..
DOM parser that allows HTML5-style </ in <script> tag require_once 'phpQuery.php' phpQuery newDocumentHTML EOF script type text x jquery tmpl id foo td test td script EOF.. script type text x jquery tmpl id foo td test td script EOF echo string pq '#foo' Output script type text x jquery tmpl..
PHP convert string to htmlentities use regexes for parsing XML. Faking the input php str EOF code class php div a div.. div code pre class php div a div.... php div a div.. div pre div this should be ignored div EOF Code php function recurse doc parent if parent hasChildNodes..
What is the advantage of using Heredoc in PHP ? [closed] I just introduced as opposed to here document syntax x EOF The point of the argument was to illustrate the use of here.. the argument was to illustrate the use of here documents EOF It is a bit of style but I use the following as rules for single..
PHP JSON Highcharts load database result its ok. header 'Content Type application json' while res EOF json array group Web action list json res fields DESMAR array..
Importing CSV data using PHP/MySQL loop via your PHP program at all. Simple example php query eof LOAD DATA INFILE ' fileName' INTO TABLE tableName FIELDS TERMINATED.. BY ' ' LINES TERMINATED BY ' n' field1 field2 field3 etc eof db query query It's as simple as that. No loops no fuss. And..
PHP GD how to draw text over a line y2 y1 texangle rad2deg atan2 delta_y delta_x 180 M_PI 360 eof finding the line angle imageline im x1 y1 x2 y2 txtcol Drawing..
How to create a new .MDB file with php? result false this RecordsAffected new VARIANT this open eof constructor mdb function open if strlen this strRealPath 0 .. '. this strConn result false this ok result return result eof open Execute SQL Statement @param string strSQL sql statement.. this recordcount this RS MoveNext this RS MoveFirst eof execute function eof return this RS EOF eof eof function movenext..