php Programming Glossary: eregi
PHP Sessions across sub domains Then you could eregi the pages for success error messages....but that's a TON of..
How to change PHP's eregi to preg_match [duplicate] to change PHP's eregi to preg_match duplicate Possible Duplicate How can I convert.. but for my needs it is ok for now. It currently uses PHP's eregi function which says is now a depreciated function and.. me how to make it work function validate_email email if eregi ^ alnum a z0 9_. @ a z0 9. . a z 2 4 email echo 'bad email'..
Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated Function eregi is deprecated the same error has propped up within these admincp.. on my server. how can i resolve them Deprecated Function eregi is deprecated in C xampp htdocs speedyautos admincp system_cls.php.. admincp system_cls.php on line 152 lines 152 155 shown if eregi install _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' eregi install _SERVER 'PHP_SELF'..
Function eregi() is deprecated eregi is deprecated Function eregi is deprecated. How can i replace.. eregi is deprecated Function eregi is deprecated. How can i replace eregi . I try with preg_match.. Function eregi is deprecated. How can i replace eregi . I try with preg_match but then stop working. i us ethis help..
How to validate an Email in PHP? pattern ^ _a z0 9 . _a z0 9 @ a z0 9 . a z0 9 . a z 2 3 if eregi pattern email return true else return false but it shows deprecated..
How can I convert ereg expressions to preg in PHP? preg . Per example I have this regular expression eregi '^hello world' How can I translate expressions into preg_match.. do not close this question. Related How to change PHP's eregi to preg_match Changing ereg_replace to equivalent preg_replace.. used is the case insensitive modifier i the alternative to eregi eregi '^hello' 'HELLO' preg_match ' ^hello i' 'HELLO' You can..