php Programming Glossary: eq
Can I change the <td> background if a field result is great or equal to another field? I change the td background if a field result is great or equal to another field I am displaying mySQL in an html table... share improve this question var min 'table tr td eq 0 ' .text var max 'table tr td eq 1 ' .text var qty 'table tr.. var min 'table tr td eq 0 ' .text var max 'table tr td eq 1 ' .text var qty 'table tr td eq 2 ' .text if qty max qty min..
jQuery Multiple Forms Submit for submission. '#send' .click function var formOne 'form eq 0 ' .serialize var formFour 'form eq 3 ' .serialize var data.. var formOne 'form eq 0 ' .serialize var formFour 'form eq 3 ' .serialize var data formOne formFour share improve this..
wkhtmltopdf error in apache log Xvfb dev null echo_success echo_failure RETVAL if RETVAL eq 0 then bin touch var lock subsys Xvfb sbin pidof o PPID x Xvfb.. down X Virtual Frame Buffer killproc PROG RETVAL RETVAL eq 0 bin rm f var lock subsys Xvfb var run echo restart..
Magento - Retrieve products with a specific attribute value 'lt' '130' While this will filter by a name that equals one thing OR another. collection Mage getModel 'catalog.. 'orig_price' filter for products who name is equal eq to Widget A or equal eq to Widget B collection addFieldToFilter.. 'orig_price' filter for products who name is equal eq to Widget A or equal eq to Widget B collection addFieldToFilter..
jQuery-like interface for PHP? j div p a as anchor ... print j #some_id html print j a eq 0 attr name These are just a few examples. I did as much Googling..
How do I programatically restart a system service(not apache) from apache in linux? CGI new CGI my output if defined CGI param 'go' 'restart' eq CGI param 'go' run3 qw sudo etc init.d tomcat5.5 restart undef..
Why doesn't this code simply print letters A to Z? dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex... on to yz php puzzle share improve..
PHP function to evaluate string like “2-1” as arithmetic 2-1=1 GitHub . Both the eos.class.php and stack.class.php are required but can be combined in to the same file. The reason for.. is all that is needed to solve a simple to more complex equation such as your 2 1 example. require_once eos.class.php equation.. simple to more complex equation such as your 2 1 example. require_once eos.class.php equation 2 1 eq new eqEOS result eq solveIF..
Php checkboxes - what's missing ? NCore db 'USER' updateAsArray array 'BANNED' 1 eq 'ID' _POST 'banCheckNoBan' execute elseif isset _POST 'banCheckNoBan'.. NCore db 'USER' updateAsArray array 'BANNED' 0 eq 'ID' _POST 'banCheckNoBan' execute php template lite share.. NCore db 'USER' updateAsArray array 'BANNED' 1 eq 'ID' _POST 'banCheckNoBan' execute You are using _POST 'banCheckNoBan'..