php Programming Glossary: ent_substitute
What do the ENT_HTML5, ENT_HTML401, … modifiers on html_entity_decode do? it stays #64976 . C function unicode_cp_is_allowed With ENT_SUBSTITUTE enabled invalid code unit sequences for a specified character.. With ENT_IGNORE the same invalid code unit sequences from ENT_SUBSTITUTE are removed and no replacement is done depends on choice of.. when omitted . Should I use ENT_DISALLOWED ENT_IGNORE or ENT_SUBSTITUTE By default byte sequences that are invalid for the given character..
Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters by question marks, mbstring.substitute_character seems ignored You can use mb_convert_encoding or htmlspecialchars 's ENT_SUBSTITUTE option since PHP 5.4. Of cource you can use preg_match too... str return htmlspecialchars_decode htmlspecialchars str ENT_SUBSTITUTE 'UTF 8' UConverter offers both procedual and object oriented..