php Programming Glossary: environment
Create Word Document using PHP in Linux solutions for PHP to create word document in linux environment php linux ms word document share improve this question ..
The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead them and then thoroughly tested your solution in a staging environment. Following good coding practice your application was developed..
What is thread safe or non thread safe in PHP must be able to operate within this same multi threaded environment meaning PHP has to be thread safe to be able to play ball correctly.. advice would be to not use PHP in a multi threaded environment if you have the choice Speaking only of UNIX based environments.. if you have the choice Speaking only of UNIX based environments I'd say that fortunately you only have to think of this if..
Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects changes. What I am doing right now is I have a local test environment for every project I use SVN for each project changes are tested.. SSH . I am looking for solutions that I can run in my own environment. I am ready to set up a Linux VM for this no problem. Hosted..
How to enable PHP short tags? starts with I needed to copy this application to a windows environment and everything is working fine except that an SQL statement..
HTTP_HOST vs. SERVER_NAME couple of years ago I blew some dust from my current XAMPP environment on Windows XP Apache HTTPD 2.2.1 with PHP 5.2.8 started it created..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords ”and should be used if you don't know for certain that your environment supports bcrypt. But suppose that you cannot use bcrypt or PHPASS.. of PDKBF2 with the maximum number of rounds that your environment application user perception can tolerate. The lowest number.. most of us are stuck with PHP 5.2 and 5.3 in most common environments especially shared hosts @ircmaxell has built a compatibility..
How do I convert a PDF document to a preview image in PHP? a document to an image format suitable for web use Our environment is a LAMP stack. php image pdf lamp share improve this question..
PHP global in functions call any of these. The function cannot exist without that environment. Using the superglobals might not be an obvious flaw but if.. on input from these you are limiting yourself to a web environment. Just abstract the request into an object and use that instead... I look at the function body that I learn I have to set the environment into a certain state. If your function requires arguments to..
Create Subdomains on the fly with .htaccess (PHP) have documented my mod_rewrite based mass virtual hosting environment before in a post on my blog which you could look at if that..
Why is Facebook PHP SDK getUser always returning 0? true perms email width 500 div php endif And the FB JS environment is properly set up I think so it works. So the user gets the..
Call php function from javascript size and future possibility for expansion and the target environment or platform. If this is all you need to do write the plain javascript..
How do you debug PHP scripts? [closed] this question I follow this article to setup an Eclipse environment that has debugging features like you mentioned. The ability..
How to get body of a POST in php? that it can only be read once. If you're working in an environment where large HTTP entity bodies are routinely uploaded you may..
executing php script from C program and store the results in to a variable NULL printf End php function n Php Code php echo hello Environment PHP 5.2.6 Apache 2.0 Fedora Core 10 Also suggest any other..
Should I allow 'allow_url_fopen' in PHP? is enabled is there really any good reason to allow Environment is Windows 2003 PHP 5.2.6 FastCGI php configuration share..
Windows CMD.exe “The system cannot find the path specified.” or mingw etc. it executes correctly without the message. Environment variable PATH seem ok. Problem is just executing from script..
Environment driven database settings in Laravel? driven database settings in Laravel I am moving over the the..
OpenSSL not working on Windows Problem OpenSSL is not working in my Windows environment. Environment Windows NT x 6.1 build 7601 Windows 7 Business Edition Service..
How to install PHP/CURL? do so right click My Computer select Properties Advanced Environment Variables find the PATH environment variable edit it and add..
A PHP Socket Server with Flash Clients this Socket Server and this would be running in an Apache Environment. This is the first time I am treading into PHP territory so..
What exactly is PATH_INFO in PHP? in an existing directory will be accepted or rejected. Environment variables are then passed on to the Apache CGI module in charge..
Session not saving when moving from ssl to non-ssl related to the cookie being created but not being read. Environment 1. Debian 2. Apache 2 3. Mysql 4 4. PHP 5 5. CakePHP 6. Sessions..
PHP exec $PATH variable missing elements environment variables exec share improve this question Environment variables on Mac OS X are set by differing mechanisms depending..
Custom Environment Variables in PHP Environment Variables in PHP Is there a way to set a custom variable such..
How to set Php's auto_prepend_file directive per directory? set the auto_prepend_file value on an per directory basis. Environment PHP 5.2.6m Apache 2 running php as a cgi not as mod_php on Windows..
PHP exec() as Background Process (Windows Wampserver Environment) exec as Background Process Windows Wampserver Environment I'm trying to setup a php trigger file that will set off a..
Unable to find the wrapper “https” - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? localhost. On that same section I checked phpinfo . Under Environment SERVER HTTPS is on. Under Apache Environment HTTPS is On. Under.. . Under Environment SERVER HTTPS is on. Under Apache Environment HTTPS is On. Under PHP Variables _SERVER HTTPS is On. Under..
REPL Environment for the Web [closed] Environment for the Web closed I'm looking to find a REPL system that can..
$PATH environment variable for apache2 on mac no matter what I try when I run echo phpinfo the Apache Environment path does not change from usr bin bin usr sbin sbin . And when.. Library LaunchDaemons org.apache.httpd.plist and added key EnvironmentVariables key dict key PATH key string usr bin bin usr sbin sbin..
Suggestions/Tricks for Throttling a PHP script could go to town without slowing everything else down. Environment Windows Server 2k3 Apache 2.2.11 PHP 5.2.9 MySQL 5.1 I appreciate..
PHPExcel modify existing .xlsx file with multiple worksheet this question This code seems working Tested in local Environment WampServer Version 2.1 Downalod latest version of PHPExcel from..
Send JSON data from Javascript to PHP? to the server and having PHP successfully parse it. Environment Javascript in a browser Firefox on Windows. LAMP server as remote..