php Programming Glossary: ent_noquotes
Valum php AJAX Upload: Store File Name and Path into mySQL database all html tags echo htmlspecialchars json_encode result ENT_NOQUOTES php if function_exists GetSQLValueString function GetSQLValueString..
What do the ENT_HTML5, ENT_HTML401, … modifiers on html_entity_decode do? When using htmlspecialchars with ENT_COMPAT default or ENT_NOQUOTES it does not matter which one you pick see below . I saw some.. as it will have equal effect. It is even sufficient to use ENT_NOQUOTES ENT_HTML401 which equals to the numeric value 0 . See also below..
Replacing image src in HTML tags? result body stripslashes html_entity_decode row 'f' ENT_NOQUOTES UTF 8 preg_match_all ' img. src ' 0 1 . ' 0 1 s 1 i' body matches..
PHP: Convert unicode codepoint to UTF-8 html_entity_decode preg_replace U 0 9A F 4 #x 1 string ENT_NOQUOTES 'UTF 8' is probably the simplest solution. share improve this..
Encode HTML entities but ignore HTML tags - in PHP really want this do this str '...' str htmlentities str ENT_NOQUOTES 'UTF 8' false str str_replace array ' lt ' ' gt ' array ' '..
PHP function imagettftext() and unicode HTML entities into ISO 8859 1 text html_entity_decode text ENT_NOQUOTES ISO 8859 1 Convert characters 127 into their hexidecimal equivalents..
Sending Emoji in Push Notifications via PHP on iOS Example lightning html_entity_decode ' #57661 ' ENT_NOQUOTES 'UTF 8' add this to the 'alert' portion of your APNS payload..
html_entity_decode - character encoding issue I have tried all three options ENT_COMPAT ENT_QUOTES ENT_NOQUOTES and it removes the ' in all cases. php share improve this..
PHP messing with HTML Charset Encoding text code '' if empty code return htmlentities text ENT_NOQUOTES mb_internal_encoding return mb_convert_encoding htmlentities.. return mb_convert_encoding htmlentities text ENT_NOQUOTES code mb_internal_encoding code function decoding_html text code.. text code '' if empty code return html_entity_decode text ENT_NOQUOTES mb_internal_encoding return mb_convert_encoding html_entity_decode..