php Programming Glossary: equalto
Testing if a network in cidr notation overlaps another network this address subjectMask subjectAddress public function equalTo subject this normaliseComparisonSubject subject return this.. this normaliseComparisonSubject subject return this equalTo subject this contains subject this within subject In order.. you desire the class provides 4 methods contains within equalTo intersect Example usage of these Also accepts dotted decimal..
TableGateway with multiple FROM tables ipaddress_pool.webaccountid' array 'domain' where equalTo 'ipaddress_pool.poolid' poolid return result toArray share..
How can I get PHPUnit MockObjects to return differernt values based on a parameter? mock expects this any method 'methodToMock' with this equalTo 'one' will this returnValue 'method called with argument one.. mock expects this any method 'methodToMock' with this equalTo 'two' will this returnValue 'method called with argument two..
How is testing Registry Pattern or Singleton hard in PHP? mock expects this once method 'findById' with this equalTo 1 will this returnValue 'Expected Unprocessed Data' This will.. mock expects this once method 'findById' with this equalTo 1 will this returnValue 'Expected Unprocessed Data' and setup..