php Programming Glossary: coverage
SVN Website Development and Deployment Solution for my code. NCover tells me if I have proper coverage with unit tests for my code. I then have a custom Ant task that..
Good PHP Metric tools [closed] reason including executed because of testing. It provides coverage information in both report form and UI form overlayed over the..
Best practices to test protected methods with PHPUnit [closed] overkill for this. Start with public methods and when code coverage is given by higher level tests turn them protected and remove..
Simple test vs PHPunit server since it outputs all standard log files for code coverage and test reports. Simpletest does not. While this is not a big.. 2 year ago . Subjective PHPUnit provides much nicer code coverage reports than Simpletest With PHPUnit you also get these reports..
Code Coverage tools for PHP [closed] Coverage tools for PHP closed Is there any code coverage tool available for PHP I wish to check the code coverage of.. coverage tool available for PHP I wish to check the code coverage of my code and API's written in PHP but have not been able to.. in PHP but have not been able to lay my hands on any code coverage tool for PHP as it is more of a server side language and dynamic..
Is there a static code analyzer [like Lint] for PHP files? [closed] things due to PHPs dynamic nature include Xdebug has code coverage and function traces . My PHP Tracer Tool uses a combined static..
Auditing a PHP codebase about PHP tools that perform static analysis or code coverage analysis or generate data structure class diagrams hierarchies..
What unit testing in PHP to start [duplicate] server since it outputs all standard log files for code coverage and test reports. Simpletest does not. While this is not a big.. a year ago Subjective PHPUnit provides much nicer code coverage reports than Simpletest With PHPUnit you also get these reports..
PHP - Is there a portable version of PHPUnit? git clone git sebastianbergmann php code coverage.git git clone git sebastianbergmann php token stream.git.. .. cd php file iterator git checkout 1.2 cd .. cd php code coverage git checkout 1.0 cd .. cd php token stream git checkout 1.0.. ' php d include_path . x phpunit x dbunit x php code coverage x php file iterator x php text template x php timer x php token..
How might I integrate phpunit with Hudson CI? and which failed if any. After I figure that out getting coverage metrics and api will be next It seems like it should be trivial..
phpunit throws Uncaught exception 'PHPUnit_Framework_Exception file exclude whitelist filter logging log type coverage html target . log reprot charset UTP 8 yui true highlight true..
PhpUnit private method testing also helps you when you notice that you can't get 100 code coverage because you might have code in your class that you can't execute..
Declaration of Zend_Test_PHPUnit_Constraint_DomQuery::evaluate() should be compatible with that of PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint::evaluate() [2KTests 4 Assertions 10 Errors 2. [0m [2K Generating code coverage report this may take a moment. Why am i getting this error What..
Good PHP Metric tools [closed] It has been used to find clones in PHP code. The SD Test Coverage tool for PHP is a tool that determines what part of your PHP..
PHP: The Reflection API - Great Addition To PHP With Little Use a test. The @covers annotation will help it collect Code Coverage data. The FLOW3 framework makes use of Annotations for their..
Code Coverage tools for PHP [closed] Coverage tools for PHP closed Is there any code coverage tool available.. coverage share improve this question xdebug has Code Coverage Analysis . Check this chapter of the PHPUnit Manual share improve..
Reaching 100% Code Coverage with PHPUnit 100 Code Coverage with PHPUnit I've been in the process of creating a test suite.. or is it a glitch Yes I read through How to get 100 Code Coverage with PHPUnit different case although similar. Edit Trudging.. For now there is not much one can do here While @codeCoverageIgnoreStart and @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd will get this line covered..