php Programming Glossary: crazy
LSA - Latent Semantic Analysis - How to code it in PHP? code # returns U and V. verify this so that you don't go crazy Then the reductionality.... the actual LSA paper suggests a..
JavaScript Ajax request vs jQuery $.ajax an entire lib like jQuery for just 1 feature is IMO crazy. I don't even need the full functionality of the .ajax method..
What does “===” mean? of. I've tried it with a function and it corresponds in crazy ways. The language is PHP by the way. Does anyone know what..
How to properly set up a PDO connection it because the way I do it works for me. But here's a crazy thought Maybe I'm doing this all wrong and if that's the case..
Convert UTC offset to timezone or date on the app. I have that all set perfectly but I am going crazy trying to figure out how to set the PHP timezone to match the..
Stop using `global` in PHP which will result in like he said WTF yeah agree it's crazy. But if I just need to access database from a function just..
Can I rely on PHP php.ini precision workaround for floating point issue calculate when precision workaround fails Without such crazy tests Is there any mathematicial straight answer for it How.. calculate when precision workaround fails Without such crazy tests Is there any mathematicial straight answer for it How..
regexp with russian lang вап олдж ми б . # name_start 1 name_end string but this is crazy D please give me simple variant php regex unicode share improve..
How to call the constructor with call_user_func_array in PHP do I can modify them. don't ask me why I want to do this crazy thing this is a crazy test. php hack share improve this question.. don't ask me why I want to do this crazy thing this is a crazy test. php hack share improve this question You can use..
Simplest way to detect client locale in PHP seems to believe that the word enrolment has 2 Ls.... crazy yanks and perhaps to give a default option in a Select your..
Help Using RegexIterator in PHP it's a Friday night so we're allowed to go a little bit crazy . 1. Quick and dirty This involves just writing a regular expression..
Using Zend Framework for highload projects Replace uses of Zend_Loader_Autoloader with a not so crazy autoloader function. In fact pray Zend_Loader is never used..
Connection between MSSQL and PHP 5.3.5 on IIS is not working and what I thought would be an easy task is now driving me crazy and I can't figure out how to make it work. According to php_info..
eval base64_decode php virus ago in some cases How is this even possible It drives me crazy UPDATE 2 I think the problem initiated after a user installed..
Object-oriented-like structures in relational databases role i.e. promoted from contact to employer a bunch of crazy scripts need to be run. Yuck... On the other hand if i was operating..
Using memcached as a database buffer for chat messages KB array. Any thoughts on this strategy Is it completely crazy php database memcached chat buffer share improve this question..
How best to get someone's 'rank' from a scores table with php and mysql without looping about performance so if the SQL statement is some crazy thing then Ill just loop. Sorry Table has id as primary key..
How can I get word wrap to work in Eclipse PDT for PHP files? method jumping etc. However one thing that drives me crazy is that I can't get my lines in PHP files to word wrap so on..