php Programming Glossary: cracked
Using Solr and Zends Lucene port together with Zend Lucene Search and discovering it isn't all its cracked up to be when indexing large datasets I've turned to Solr thanks..
How to “Validate” Human Names in CakePHP? is supposed to check for valid human names but recently cracked against a name with a space so we added spaces to our validator...
How to parse SOAP response without SoapClient Hopefully that will work. Further edit I think I've just cracked this. Try the following code xml simplexml_load_string response..
How to protect html form from spammers? APIs the human solvers can not directly interact with cracked web boards blog comments registration pages chats wiki forums..
What are the best practices to encrypt passwords stored in MySql using PhP? by the way it's just a matter of time before it can be cracked. Any well known and widely supported hashing algorithm is going..
Why does PHP crypt() prepend the salt to the hash? for historical purposes and low security who cares if it's cracked into storage. For any modern password usage you'd be better..
Best methods to clean up a hacked site with no clean version available? you don't recognize might very well be the exploit that cracked the system in the first place and viewing it on a 'known good'..
Best PHP encryption method for storing user passwords in a MySQL table? More secure more overhead. MD5 has been broken and cracked. According to this article SHA1 is broken. However it has not.. this article SHA1 is broken. However it has not yet been cracked. Bcrypt has not to the best of my knowledge been found to be..