php Programming Glossary: crappy
PHP to Quickbooks - how do I connect the two if she's running on a desktop? resilient to things like her desktop being turned off the crappy office internet compared to a datacenter being slow or down..
PHP Mass Mailing (25K-100K) lists in a database. Mailing is done via the mail command I know crappy from a CRON job with proper pauses etc. Up to now all clients..
What do the ENT_HTML5, ENT_HTML401, … modifiers on html_entity_decode do? use for htmlentities If your text editor or database is so crappy that you cannot include non US ASCII characters e.g. UTF 8 you..
PHP imap problems script. But whatever I try the message body comes out all crappy with characters like 3D and random equals signs. Sometimes it..
i18n with gettext but without the locale hassle? platforms. I am absolutely unwilling to deal with the crappy ways of setlocale and consorts namely the dozens of different..
pcntl runs the same code several times, assistance required just get 100 pages in just 1.489 sec with my crappy connection. Yes it did. Tested the same code on my live server..
Rewrite all queries to not need the .php extension using a mod_rewrite RewriteRule
php is not recognized as an intern command (using windows) Debian. I tryed virtual hosts via Virtual Box but it's too crappy. So i decided to stay on windows So when the tutorial tells..
Need help understanding Doctrine many to many self referencing code scratch the example i am going to work on is... hmm quite crappy i think but i'll try ... 1 user student can have many teachers...
How to handle user input of invalid UTF-8 characters? to follow they are not forced to submit that in that way crappy form submission bots are a good example... What I usually do..
Pure PHP torrent client? dependencies which can't be satisfied by users on crappy locked down shared hosting accounts. Does anyone know of any..
Facebook publish stream directly using PHP which is used to express the frustration of working with crappy facebook developer documentation' 'picture' 'http
Exceptions in PHP - Try/Catch or set_exception_handler? I don't like that idea at all it sounds like a very crappy implementation. I also don't like the idea of set_exception_handler..
A RESTful persistence solution usable with backbone.js… in PHP? in PHP I'll preface this with saying that I'm a crappy programmer I'm sure that what I want to do could be done in..
Very large uploads with PHP of problems with this however. Browser HTML uploads have crappy feedback we need to either poll for progress which is a bit..