php Programming Glossary: coupling
migration to Yii framework into exercise of using grep on your whole project. Tight coupling When you create an application in Yii. It becomes bound to it... tied to the name of the class . That essentially is tight coupling. As you might have noticed hopefully there is another way how.. effect the use of new operator. That is another way of coupling some code of yours to a specific name of a class. No interfaces..
Registry design pattern…good or bad? singleton etc. . A local registry has a lower degree of coupling but is also slightly more abstract so there is a tradeoff there... complex than a local registry but has a very low degree of coupling. Is this pattern considered to be good practice to implement..
How to load classes based on pretty URLs in MVC-like page? to find where the real work begins in the application coupling your router ends up chained to that specific interpretation..
Parent Object in php This is a has a relationship and it creates a very loose coupling. There is no hardcoded dependencies in B so you can easily swap..
ACL implementation architecture much easier because of extremely low coupling between service and the rest of application. share improve..
Magento - Passing data between a controller and a block relying on the controller doing a specific thing is tight coupling and should be avoided. Your controller's job is to do certain..
PHP global in functions request into an object and use that instead. In case of coupling hardcoded classnames static constants your function also cannot..
Is this correct object oriented programing in php? [closed] new classname all over my consuming classes and introduce coupling I will a use simple Factory instead to capsule object creation..
Pros and Cons of Interface constants implementation details of MyClass . This creates a hard coupling which makes your code less flexible and as such should be avoided... However interfaces exist to permit exactly this type of coupling. Therefore MyInterface FOO doesn't introduce any concrete coupling... Therefore MyInterface FOO doesn't introduce any concrete coupling. With that said I wouldn't introduce an interface just to add..
(When) should I use type hinting in PHP? it's a bad idea as far as duck typing assures minimal coupling between the classes and leverages the code modularization and..
RedBean ORM performance new features will take more and more time because of that coupling. And for the same reason it is extremely hard to write good..
traits in php ??any real world examples/best practices? [closed] that your code is much more flexible by removing the hard coupling to a trait. For example you could simply pass a different logger..
Faking Late Static Binding before php 5.3
php singleton database connection, is this code bad practice? with why global state is bad. They introduce tight coupling between the singleton and any class that uses it. This means..