php Programming Glossary: craigslist
PHP: Accessing namespaced XML with SimpleXML http nN8G78AH item rdf about http brk mcy 1779690213.html title CDATA Kawasaki ZX 10R Rims.. Rims For Sale Nassau Motorsports title link http brk mcy 1779690213.html link description CDATA br br 2000.. en us dc language dc rights Copyright #x26 copy 2010 craigslist inc. dc rights dc source http brk mcy..
Craigslist Automated Posting API? [closed] Automated Posting API closed i was looking through craigslist bulk posting section and it requires an rss feed to be sent.. to automatically post an add the site is found at http about bulk_posting_interface i have looked up and down for.. out. anyone know of any class that exists thanks php oop craigslist share improve this question I just checked the CL's terms..
how to detect telephone numbers in a text (and replace them)? description field to put their mobile phone numbers.. see craigslist etc.. beside he's going to need some moderation but i was wondering..
Best way to send anonymous email like craigslist way to send anonymous email like craigslist Craigslist has a nice feature where when you respond to a poster.. you respond to an email such as job fepsd . The email is then in turn directed to the real email...