php Programming Glossary: comma
How can I split a comma delimited string into an array in PHP? can I split a comma delimited string into an array in PHP I need to split my string.. PHP I need to split my string input into an array at the commas. How can I go about accomplishing this Input 9
php String Concatenation, Performance on what you're doing. echo for example will accept comma separated tokens for output. This... echo 'one' 'two' Is the.. is really good. If you want to do something like a comma separated list of values just use implode values array 'one'..
Is there a built-in function or plugin to handle date formatting in JavaScript? day of month with no leading zeros space full month name comma space four digit year. I need to do this in JavaScript. I have..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? Move your variables out of the SQL string. Add them as comma delimited function parameters to pdo_query . Place question.. EMULATE_PREPARES . Your database receives the unvaried SQL commands and 1 1 variable values. While this answer stresses that..
Generating a drop down list of timezones with PHP cities zone 'timezone_id' key For each city have a comma separated list of all possible timezones for that city. foreach..
PHP email validation function their email. I am afraid that someone could insert a comma separated list of emails and use my site for spamming. php..
How are echo and print different in PHP? [duplicate] parameters which get concatenated echo and a 1 2 3 comma separated without parentheses echo and a 123 just one parameter..
PDO with “WHERE… IN” queries only the first ID is deleted. I assume it throws out the comma and everything after it. I've also tried making idlist an array.. many question marks as array entries the last one needs no comma questionmarks str_repeat count _POST 'foos' 1 . query DELETE.. can't mix Values the Numbers with control flow logic the commas with prepared statements you need one placeholder per Value...
How to create comma separated list from array in PHP? to create comma separated list from array in PHP I know how to loop through.. loop through items of an array using foreach and append a comma but it's always a pain having to take off the final comma. Is.. comma but it's always a pain having to take off the final comma. Is there an easy PHP way of doing it fruit array 'apple' 'banana'..
PHP: How to remove specific element from an array? have a database that stores a list of items separated by a comma. The code pulls in the list based on a user choice where that..
how to extract data from csv file in php I have a csv file which looks like this lines 0 text with commas another text 123 text 5 lines 1 some without commas another.. with commas another text 123 text 5 lines 1 some without commas another text 123 text lines 2 some text with commas or no 123.. commas another text 123 text lines 2 some text with commas or no 123 text And I would like to have a table t 0 array text..
ALTER TABLE in Magento setup script without using SQL Jonathon Day says updates SHOULD NOT be in the form of SQL commands . I haven't come across any DDL or DML statments that cannot.. to another table if you have complex foreign key use comma to specify more than one column refTableName the foreign table..
PHP: unformat money dependent on the current site language and sometimes the comma could be replaced by dot. php parsing floating point money..
Reference: Comparing PHP's print and echo from function call parentheses since they don't allow commas inside. Why do print 1 2 3 and echo 1 2 3 result in syntax.. as a single expression and fails because unlike in C the comma is not a valid operator in PHP. Semantics The statement echo..
Storing arrays in the database make some small changes and just implode the array with a comma. php database serialization json encode denormalized share..
Comma separated values in MySQL “IN” clause separated values in MySQL &ldquo IN&rdquo clause I have a column..
Rating System in PHP and MySQL TEXT Thre rest is self explanitory but ratedBy is a Comma Seperated Id values of the Users. I was thinking to read the..
How to Convert Comma Seperated Column into rows and add counter to Convert Comma Seperated Column into rows and add counter I am having a table..
Why do PHP Array Examples Leave a Trailing Comma? do PHP Array Examples Leave a Trailing Comma I have seen examples like the following data array 'username'.. this question Why do PHP Array Examples Leave a Trailing Comma Because they can. The PHP Manual entry for array states Having..
Add new row in MYSQL from Comma Separated text in textbox new row in MYSQL from Comma Separated text in textbox I have a PHP MYsql question. I am..
Replace Comma(,) with Dot(.) RegEx php Comma with Dot . RegEx php i am trying this code but i get this error..
Generate PHP Interfaces BitMask. Defaults to Public. extendInterfaceFrom name ... Comma separated list of Interfaces to extend. excludeImplementedMethods..