php Programming Glossary: command.php
Pear error messages with PHP5.3.0 of new by reference is deprecated in C wamp www PEAR PEAR Command.php on line 137 Deprecated Assigning the return value of new by.. of new by reference is deprecated in C wamp www PEAR PEAR Command.php on line 154 Deprecated Function set_magic_quotes_runtime is..
phpunit throws Uncaught exception 'PHPUnit_Framework_Exception Test.php 102 Stack trace #0 D PHP php5 PEAR PHPUnit TextUI Command.php 157 PHPUnit_Util_Skeleton_Test __construct 'Application Tes...'.. 'Application Tes...' '' #1 D PHP php5 PEAR PHPUnit TextUI Command.php 129 PHPUnit_TextUI_Command run Array true #2 D PHP php5 phpunit..
Declaration of Zend_Test_PHPUnit_Constraint_DomQuery::evaluate() should be compatible with that of PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint::evaluate() TextUI TestRunner.php 325 C xampp php PEAR PHPUnit TextUI Command.php 187 C xampp php PEAR PHPUnit TextUI Command.php 125 C xampp.. TextUI Command.php 187 C xampp php PEAR PHPUnit TextUI Command.php 125 C xampp php phpunit 44 2 IndexControllerTest testIndexNoMessageAction.. TextUI TestRunner.php 325 C xampp php PEAR PHPUnit TextUI Command.php 187 C xampp php PEAR PHPUnit TextUI Command.php 125 C xampp..