php Programming Glossary: collections
How to determine the first and last iteration in a foreach loop? collection category and subcategory. So if you have 10 collections 100 categories and 1000 subcategories you will have at least..
Can I close a file by unsetting the handle? logical argument though because it assumes that garbage collections happens either immediately or shortly after unset and that PHP..
Too much data with var_dump in symfony2 doctrine2 Debug dump user It works for single objects and Doctrine collections and should prevent browser displaying issues you are having...
Magento - Retrieve products with a specific attribute value There's multiple syntaxes for setting filters on collections. I always use the verbose one below but you might want to inspect.. in lib Varien Data Collection Db.php Finally all Magento collections may be iterated over the base collection class implements on..
Will [a-z] ever match accented characters in PREG/PCRE? in Spanish. However the way PHP blindly handles strings as collections of bytes rather than a collection of UTF code points means you..
Does Zend ACL suit my needs? can have multiple Privileges Roles are really just collections of Resource Privileges with no hierarchy. An example of a Resource..
Modify XML attribute PHP DOM PHP DOM I have an XML file that looks like this. collections id my collections category id my category record id my record.. I have an XML file that looks like this. collections id my collections category id my category record id my record title Some Info.. record id my record title Some Info title record category collections I am looking for away to replace any attribute in the above..
What is the JSP equivalent to json_encode ( in PHP )? satisfaction. It has excellent support for parameterized collections and nested Javabeans. It's basically as simple as follows String..
How can public fields “break lazy loading” in Doctrine 2? lazy loading . I can understand how making associated collections public could be problematic I do make these private and wrap..
What are the differences between PHP and Java? to school in the 90s like object. ArrayLists and other collections are implemented with something called generics the String ...
sort Magento collection AFTER load the collection. Thanks Jonathan php arrays sorting collections magento share improve this question There is no proper way..
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? providing models with key value binding and custom events collections with a rich API of enumerable functions views with declarative..
Magento - Quote/order product item attribute based on user input database it will be most difficult to get quote order item collections based on my custom data. php magento share improve this question..
Symfony2 collection of Entities - how to add/remove assotiation with existing entities? use Doctrine ORM Mapping as ORM use Avocode CommonBundle Collections ArrayCollection use Symfony Component Validator ExecutionContext.. use Doctrine ORM Mapping as ORM use Avocode CommonBundle Collections ArrayCollection use Symfony Component Security Core Role Role..
set multiple='false' in a form in a many to many relation symfony2 Catchable Fatal Error Argument 1 passed to Doctrine Common Collections ArrayCollection __construct must be an array object given called.. www Symfony vendor doctrine common lib Doctrine Common Collections ArrayCollection.php line 48 Can anybody help me php symfony2..
Modify XML attribute PHP DOM could use some thing like this str XML collections id My Collections category id my category record id my record title Some Info.. following XML as output xml version 1.0 collections id My Collections category id my category record id glop title Some Info title..
Doctrine2: Best way to handle many-to-many with extra columns in reference table function __construct this tracklist new Doctrine Common Collections ArrayCollection public function getTitle return this title public..
Custom Collection in Doctrine2 properties must be defined in terms of the Doctrine Common Collections Collection interface. The collection implementation type may.. following custom implementation type use Doctrine Common Collections Collection MyCollection is the implementation type class MyCollection..
Magento get a product collection in an arbitrary order array php orm magento share improve this question Collections inherit from the class Varien_Data_Collection_Db There's a method.. it doesn't. Because of the complex joining involved in EAV Collections there's a special method used to add an attribute to the order..