php Programming Glossary: comment_content
Session lost after page redirect in php comment_author comment_author_IP comment_date comment_content user_id VALUES NULL ' qID' ' author' '' ' dro'..
Echo a multidimensional array in PHP the array I was talking about Array 0 Array comment_id 1 comment_content This is a parent comment child Array 0 Array comment_id.. is a parent comment child Array 0 Array comment_id 3 comment_content This is a child comment child Array 0 Array comment_id.. child comment child Array 0 Array comment_id 4 comment_content This is the 2nd child comment child Array 1..
Display first comment of post outside the comments template (using SQL maybe) comment_author comment_date_gmt comment_approved SUBSTRING comment_content 1 100 AS com_excerpt FROM wpdb comments WHERE comment_approved.. comment_author comment_date_gmt comment_approved SUBSTRING comment_content 1 100 AS com_excerpt FROM wpdb comments WHERE comment_approved..