php Programming Glossary: commas
How can I split a comma delimited string into an array in PHP? PHP I need to split my string input into an array at the commas. How can I go about accomplishing this Input 9
How to create an array from a CSV file using PHP and the fgetcsv function it doesn't work right when one of my fields has multiple commas such as addresses. lines file 'CSV Address.csv' foreach lines..
comma-separated string to array 'left middle right' and write it to an array split at the commas. php share improve this question array explode ' ' variable..
PDO with “WHERE… IN” queries can't mix Values the Numbers with control flow logic the commas with prepared statements you need one placeholder per Value...
How to create comma separated list from array in PHP? ie commaList implode ' ' fruit There is a way to append commas without having a trailing one. You'd want to do this if you.. you want to quote each fruit and then separate them all by commas prefix '' foreach fruits as fruit fruitList . prefix . ' ' ...
remove duplicate from string in PHP way to remove duplicate values in a string separated by commas. So my string looks like this str 'one two one five seven bag..
how to extract data from csv file in php I have a csv file which looks like this lines 0 text with commas another text 123 text 5 lines 1 some without commas another.. with commas another text 123 text 5 lines 1 some without commas another text 123 text lines 2 some text with commas or no 123.. commas another text 123 text lines 2 some text with commas or no 123 text And I would like to have a table t 0 array text..
Parse SELECT clause of SQL queries into a PHP array The main problem being with subqueries which might have commas in them too see example . Thanks for any help php mysql arrays.. parser. You can't just walk through the string finding commas and parentheses either SQL is much more complex than that. You.. etc. all of which can be nested arbitrarily deep with commas and parentheses all over. http doc refman 5.0..
remove last character from string [duplicate] improve this question rtrim string would cut trailing commas. trim string would cut trailing and prefixing commas. share..
Reference: Comparing PHP's print and echo from function call parentheses since they don't allow commas inside. Why do print 1 2 3 and echo 1 2 3 result in syntax errors..
reliably convert string containing PHP array info to array [duplicate] ' ' str is not going to cut it since there are also commas within those chunks... is there a way to explode this reliably.. is there a way to explode this reliably even if there is commas inside the desired chunks php arrays string multidimensional.. is there a way to explode this reliably even if there is commas inside the desired chunks PHP by default does not provide such..