php Programming Glossary: column_name
Merge a table and a change log into a view in PostgreSQL the following query SELECT fltr_chg.unique_id fltr_chg.column_name chg_val.value FROM changes AS chg_val JOIN SELECT chg_rec.unique_id.. changes AS chg_val JOIN SELECT chg_rec.unique_id chg_rec.column_name MAX chg_rec.updated_at FROM information_schema.columns AS source.. AS chg_rec ON source.table_name 'instances' AND source.column_name chg_rec.column_name GROUP BY chg_rec.unique_id chg_rec.column_name..
Multilingual Site in Zend Framework id bigint table_name vc 50 table_id bigint langugae column_name vc 50 translation should i save records in related tables php..
get sum of mysql column in php You can completely handle it in the MySQL query SELECT SUM column_name FROM table_name In the PHP code try this result mysql_query..
Alternative to FIND_IN_SET in SQLite?