php Programming Glossary: column3
How to create a secure mysql prepared statement in php? execute stmt store_result stmt bind_result column1 column2 column3 while stmt fetch echo col1 column1 col2 column2 col3 column3.. while stmt fetch echo col1 column1 col2 column2 col3 column3 n stmt close Also if you want an easy way to grab associative..
Selecting all fields except only one field in mysql [duplicate] id 5 and if you mean columns lets say you dont want select column3 then select column1 column2 column4 from tablename if you have..
getting mysql_insert_id() while using ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE with PHP updates. Currently I have something like this where column3 is a unique key and there's also an id column that's an autoincremented.. primary key query INSERT INTO TABLE column1 column2 column3 VALUES value1 value2 value3 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE SET column1.. ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE SET column1 value1 column2 value2 column3 value3 mysql_query query my_id mysql_insert_id my_id is correct..
Get Last Executed Query in PHP PDO STH DBH INSERT INTO mytable column1 column2 column3 etc... value column1 column2 column3 etc... STH bindParam '.. column1 column2 column3 etc... value column1 column2 column3 etc... STH bindParam ' column1' column1 STH bindParam ' column2'.. column1 STH bindParam ' column2' column2 STH bindParam ' column3' column3 etc... STH execute what is my query I would like to..