php Programming Glossary: colmodel
Highlight row when the checkbox is true 'POST' datatype 'xml' colNames getColumnNames jsonGridData colModel name 'TypeID' index 'TypeID' width 350 hidden true align 'center'.. use myCheckboxTemplate and myTextareaTemplate inside of colModel which will reduced in your case to the following colModel name.. colModel which will reduced in your case to the following colModel name 'TypeID' index 'TypeID' width 350 hidden true edittype..
jqGrid with JSON data renders table as empty mtype 'POST' colNames 'Id' 'Badge' 'Name' 'Description' '' colModel name 'awardId' width 30 sortable true align 'center' name 'badge'..
JqGrid Reload not working 'POST' colNames 'Id' 'Description' 'Details' 'Cost in R ' colModel name 'Id' index 'Id' align center width 30 name 'Description'.. 'Id' 'ServiceId' 'Description' 'Details' 'Cost in R ' colModel name 'Id' index 'Id' align center width 30 name 'ServiceId'..
implement jqgrid cell edit datepicker I click on the cell no datepicker shows up. Below is the colModel entry for the column in question. I have datepicker UI available... surrounded by quotes. It is in my code because the whole colModel is dynamically created by PHP during an AJAX request. I build.. quotes in order for jqGrid to work properly If so how The colModel entry for a date column editable true name date index date sorttype..
having trouble with jqgrid dataUrl function code segment 'php items se script.php' for the corresponding column in colModel ajaxSelectOptions data data here is jQuery.ajax parameter data..