php Programming Glossary: commandline
SVN Website Development and Deployment Solution we have multiple developers with varying degrees of commandline experience and we are putting together a deployment solution..
What is the canonical way to determine commandline vs. http execution of a PHP script? is the canonical way to determine commandline vs. http execution of a PHP script I have a PHP script that..
Difference between executing php from the commandline and from the Http Side between executing php from the commandline and from the Http Side What is the difference between executing..
How do I fix PHP module thread-safe/non-thread-safe mismatch? non threadsafe I have tried putting disable zts on the commandline for configure.bat but whilst that has a good effect on the outputs..
How to covert PowerPoint to video or flash in php There is no PHP native method for that. But a Python commandline utility exists which in turn could be called from a PHP script..
Making SOAP-call in PHP and setting SSL version to set the PHP SOAP function to use SSL3 only. Since both commandline openssl and PHP cURL work with SSL3 forced then I presume the..
nohup: run PHP process in background for a script to die with an error when run from the commandline and not when you invoke it through a webserver. Debug your script... su to the webserver user and run the script from the commandline yourself. If you can't do that set up your own development server..
What does it mean to run PHP in quiet mode? echo What I actually wanted to have So basically the q commandline flag prevents any header from being written to stdout. The purpose..
Doctrine 2.0.4 Configuration Error? [closed] It is not a solution but you could try using the commandline tool doctrine.php to generate proxies php doctrine.php orm generate..
Why is array_key_exists 1000x slower than isset on referenced arrays? called VLD. This lets you execute PHP code from the commandline and rather than execute it it returns the generated opcode instead...
Web Page Screenshots with PHP? share improve this question See webkit2png for an OSX commandline program that does this. The page also mentions Linux alternatives...
How to use Imagick to merge and mask images? appreciated Edit I use the API version of Imagick not the commandline version Edit To get a feel of what I want to achieve here is..
Can Ruby, PHP, or Perl create a pre-compiled file for the code like Python? but typically does this in memory. However you can pass commandline switches to it so it dumps the .dll and .exe files out to disk...
phpinfo is reporting incorrect pcre version there is different output of phpinfo in apache and on commandline with regard to libpcre I verified that this is my issue by creating.. version returns PCRE Library Version 6.6 06 Feb 2006 The commandline version returns PCRE Library Version 8.21 2011 12 12 I'm left..