php Programming Glossary: columnname
prepared statment method.. confused meta stmt result_metadata while column meta fetch_field columnName str_replace ' ' '_' column name bindVarArray result columnName.. str_replace ' ' '_' column name bindVarArray result columnName call_user_func_array array stmt 'bind_result' bindVarArray..
ALTER TABLE in Magento setup script without using SQL tableName the table name that should be modified columnName the name of the column that should be added definition definition.. tableName the table name for adding a foreign key columnName the column name that should be refered to another table if you.. tableName the table name that should be modified columnName the name of the column that should removed dropForeignKey method..
Microsoft´s sqlsrv driver for PHP not returning any result when querying “SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS id” works fine using the php_mssql driver INSERT INTO Table columnName VALUES 'text' SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY AS id Table does have an.. to the dbserver result sqlsrv_query INSERT INTO Table columnName VALUES 'text' SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY AS ID echo The last insert_id..
Output (echo/print) everything from a PHP Array row while row mysql_fetch_array result foreach row as columnName columnData echo 'Column name ' . columnName . ' Column data.. foreach row as columnName columnData echo 'Column name ' . columnName . ' Column data ' . columnData . ' br ' Or if you don't care..
How to dynamically build queries with PDO bindParam ' table' tableName query bindParam ' column' columnName query bindParam ' value' value Will PDO allow me to bind the.. create your SQL command sql SELECT FROM tableName WHERE columnName value query dbh prepare sql query bindParam ' value' value Just.. In this case value is safe to a degree but tableName and columnName are not again that is most especially if the values for these..