php Programming Glossary: circle
Using PHP and google Maps Api to work out distance between 2 post codes (UK) the coordinates of your two postcodes by using a great circle distance implementation such as the following Snipplr Calculate..
distance calculations in mysql queries you consider that what you're doing is basically drawing a circle on a map centred on your initial point and with a radius of.. the formula simply identifies which rows fall within that circle... but it still has to checking every single row. Using a bounding.. at the appropriate distance from our centre point. Our circle will then be drawn within that box with the Northmost Eastmost..
Geo-Search (Distance) in PHP/MySQL (Performance) pairs that I select from based on the pairs distance great circle formula from another lat long pair. e.g. all entries that are.. through all 200k entries every time and perform the great circle formula for every entry. I read something about geohashing R.. about it Or would PostgreSQL too simply just use the great circle formula to get all entries within a certain region Is there..
MySQL Great Circle Distance (Haversine formula) PHP Code if distance Any customer_zip get the great circle distance get the origin zip code info zip_sql SELECT FROM zip_code.. the literature on it is pretty confusing. php mysql great circle share improve this question From Google Code FAQ Creating..
Doctype problem displaying SVG with Safari 500 enable background new 0 0 500 500 xml space preserve circle cx 250 cy 250 r 238.048 svg body html php xhtml safari svg..
PHP GD Use one image to mask another image, including transparency I go about this phalacee's post in PHP GD how to copy a circle from one image to another seems to be along the right lines..
Great Circle Distance question since I was in a math class. php latitude longitude great circle share improve this question Here's a C implementation that.. Compute ending position from course and great circle distance. Given a starting latitude decimal the initial great.. Given a starting latitude decimal the initial great circle course and a distance along the course track compute the ending..
Crop or mask an image into a circle or mask an image into a circle What is the best way to crop or mask an image into a circular..
MySQL Error - Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now circle_pending_temp SET @sql CONCAT 'SELECT coalesce email_Circle ''Grand Total'' Circle max ` 9 days` ` 9 days` ' @sql ' count.. @sql CONCAT 'SELECT coalesce email_Circle ''Grand Total'' Circle max ` 9 days` ` 9 days` ' @sql ' count GrandTotal from select.. ` 9 days` ' @sql ' count GrandTotal from select c.email_Circle date_format c.mailtime '' e b'' maildate coalesce o.` 9 days`..
Calculating Great-Circle Distance with SQLite Great Circle Distance with SQLite Here is my problem I have a SQLite table.. HAVERSINE is a PHP function that should return the Great Circle Distance in miles or km given a pair of latitude and longitude..
Formulas to Calculate Geo Proximity the solutions are Use the Haversine Formula Use the Great Circle Distance Formula Use a Spatial Search Engine in the Database.. I'm a little confused since I always though that the Great Circle Distance Formula and Haversine Formula were synonymous but apparently.. Based on theonlytheory answer I tested the following Great Circle Distance Formulas Vincenty Formula Haversine Formula Spherical..
MySQL Great Circle Distance (Haversine formula) Great Circle Distance Haversine formula I've got a working PHP script that..
Great Circle Distance question Circle Distance question I am familiar with the formula to calculate.. I am familiar with the formula to calculate the Great Circle Distance between two points. i.e. php theta lon1 lon2 dist sin.. x 1.0 cos x secant #define csc x 1.0 sin x cosecant GreatCirclePos Compute ending position from course and great circle distance...
PHP/MySQL: Select locations close to a given location from DB geography share improve this question MySQL Great Circle Distance Haversine formula does exactly what you need. With..