php Programming Glossary: clarity
Matrix Combination Logic this question removed my two previous answers for clarity After your last edit instead of answering directly I would like..
PHP constructor to return a NULL _SESSION 'verbiste_user' catch NotFoundException e For clarity you could wrap this in a static factory method class User public..
How can I convert a series of parent-child relationships into a hierarchical tree? it out. Only one function would suffice but here's two for clarity a combined function can be found at the end of this answer ...
Is this a reasonable way to handle getters/setters in a PHP class? learning exercise but I think it sacrifices too much clarity. php oop share improve this question The way I do it is.. p get_y p set_z 40 Which will output line breaks added for clarity generic function set_x specific function set_y generic function..
calculate flv video file length ? using pure php two last fseek can be factorized but I left them both for clarity. Edit Fixed the code after some testing share improve this..
How would I implement a simple site search with php and mySQL? DESC edited their example to provide a bit more clarity Variations on the above SQL query adding WHERE statements WHERE..
How to sort a multi-dimensional XML file? around the houses before I've added a different answer for clarity but using the sort proxying technique I linked to. function..
$_POST vs. $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' difference between the two or is this just a code clarity issue php share improve this question well they don't do..
How to start writing a PHP5 extension in C++ and make this I get the following reformatted for clarity make bin bash home paul php5 php 5.2.8 ext hello2 libtool mode..
CakePHP ACL Database Setup: ARO / ACO structure? the currently authenticated user. I've left this out for clarity. That's really all there is to it. You can then allow deny particular.. to you ... edit As requested here's an edited purely for clarity there's a lot of stuff in our boilerplate code that's meaningless..
Need guidance to start with Zend ACL it's not bullet proof. Just to give an idea. EDIT For the clarity. The code above in AuthPlugin suppose that the identity object..
Custom Exception Messages: Best practices usage 2 is the opposite trading a terser syntax for less clarity. Note that the functions must be extremely safe they should..
Doing calculations in MySQL vs PHP not enough to out way the benefits. In my opinion code clarity and maintainability are more about consistency than about putting..
How to convert string to boolean php 'true' true false EDIT The above code is intended for clarity of understanding. In actual use the following code may be more..
How to create a random string using PHP? requested using more variables than I would normally for clarity function get_random_string valid_chars length start with an..
php singleton database connection, is this code bad practice? their own dependencies. This is bad because it can reduce clarity regarding what dependencies the class has. PHP has a Share Nothing..
Magento - Quote/order product item attribute based on user input I'll leave the required logic for each method in place for clarity. public function checkoutCartProductAddAfter Varien_Event_Observer..
Service Applications and Google Analytics API V3: Server-to-server OAuth2 authentication? my private key and the Google PHP client API Edited for clarity php google api oauth 2.0 google analytics api jwt share improve..