php Programming Glossary: chtml
how to disable Yii jquery autoload on ajax request using the following code to generate an ajax request echo CHtml dropDownList 'teamA' '' EnumController getTeamOption array ..
dependent dropdown box with Yii _POST 'CountryID' PDO PARAM_INT data command execute data CHtml listData data 'StateID' 'StateName' foreach data as value name.. data 'StateID' 'StateName' foreach data as value name echo CHtml tag 'option' array 'value' value CHtml encode name true this.. as value name echo CHtml tag 'option' array 'value' value CHtml encode name true this is from the _form view file div class..
How to create a link with confirmation dialog using Yii? a confirmation dialog in Yii framework Let's say I have CHtml link 'Delete' array 'wsrecruiteducation delete' 'id' model EducID.. question You just need to also use the last parameter of CHtml link CHtml link 'Delete' array 'wsrecruiteducation delete' 'id'.. You just need to also use the last parameter of CHtml link CHtml link 'Delete' array 'wsrecruiteducation delete' 'id' model EducID..
multi model forms in yii Vehicle Step 2 Write your view file ..define form echo CHtml activeTextField Person 'name' echo CHtml activeTextField Person.. form echo CHtml activeTextField Person 'name' echo CHtml activeTextField Person 'address' other fields.. echo CHtml activeTextField.. CHtml activeTextField Person 'address' other fields.. echo CHtml activeTextField Vehicle 'type' echo CHtml activeTextField Vehicle..
yii model search with daterange for time stamp 'books grid' data this .serialize div php echo CHtml submitButton 'Search' ANSWER FOR THE PROBLEM hi i found the..