php Programming Glossary: cities
Comma separated values in MySQL “IN” clause city Assuming you have a lookup table for all possible cities not just those mentioned in the table you can bear the inefficiency.. INTO location2city location city SELECT l.e_ID c.e_ID FROM cities c JOIN locations l ON FIND_IN_SET c.e_ID 0 Now you can..
Paginate records on Client side issue pre print_r value echo pre exit if countArray '2' where cities.city_name like ' . _SESSION ' cityName' . ' and suburbs.suburb_name.. ' . value 0 . ' else if countArray '3' where cities.city_name like ' . _SESSION ' cityName' . ' and suburbs.suburb_name.. ' . value 1 . ' else if countArray '4' where cities.city_name like ' . _SESSION ' cityName' . ' and suburbs.suburb_name..
Generating a drop down list of timezones with PHP PHP it's self timezones DateTimeZone listAbbreviations cities array foreach timezones as key zones foreach zones as id zone.. Indian Pacific ' zone 'timezone_id' zone 'timezone_id' cities zone 'timezone_id' key For each city have a comma separated.. list of all possible timezones for that city. foreach cities as key value cities key join ' ' value Only keep one city the..
Why does MySQL report a syntax error on FULL OUTER JOIN? [closed] ON airlines.iaco_code airports.iaco_code FULL OUTER JOIN cities ON airports.city_id cities.city_id FULL OUTER JOIN provinces.. FULL OUTER JOIN cities ON airports.city_id cities.city_id FULL OUTER JOIN provinces ON cities.province_id provinces.province_id.. cities.city_id FULL OUTER JOIN provinces ON cities.province_id provinces.province_id FULL OUTER JOIN countries..
Determine timezone from latitude/longitude without using web services like did exactly what adam suggested Download the database of cities from convert it to a compact lat lon timezone list..
Convert php array to Javascript 11 ZZ1234 to a Javascript array in the format below var cities Aberdeen Ada Adamsville Addyston Adelphi Adena Adrian Akron.. array return ' ' . implode ' ' temp . ' ' echo 'var cities ' js_array php_cities_array ' ' share improve this answer..
How to make a Cascading Drop Down List in PHP using jQuery using jQuery I have database consists of countries and cities. First Case Successfully done Country list gets populated in..
Finding towns within a 10 mile radius of postcode. Google maps API you can use code similar to the code below to grab the cities withing a certain range public static function getNearby lat.. range public static function getNearby lat lng type 'cities' limit 50 distance 50 unit 'km' radius of earth @note the earth.. will just give a rough but nut 100 accurate selection of cities withing your radius. I'll try to illustrate this _________________..