php Programming Glossary: chunksize
HTTP Headers for File Downloads size header 'Content Length ' . size Output File chunkSize 1 1024 1024 bytesSend 0 if file fopen filePath 'r' if isset.. connection_aborted bytesSend newLength buffer fread file chunkSize echo buffer flush bytesSend strlen buffer fclose file php..
How to read large worksheets from large Excel files (27MB+) with PHPExcel? start' objReader PHPExcel_IOFactory createReader file_type chunkSize 20 chunkFilter new ChunkReadFilter objReader setReadFilter chunkFilter.. chunkFilter for startRow 2 startRow 240 startRow chunkSize chunkFilter setRows startRow chunkSize objPHPExcel objReader.. 240 startRow chunkSize chunkFilter setRows startRow chunkSize objPHPExcel objReader load 'data ' . file_name debug_log 'reading..
PHPExcel runs out of 256, 512 and also 1024MB of RAM rows that we want to read public function setRows startRow chunkSize this _startRow startRow this _endRow startRow chunkSize public.. chunkSize this _startRow startRow this _endRow startRow chunkSize public function readCell column row worksheetName '' Only read.. Define how many rows we want to read for each chunk chunkSize 20 Create a new Instance of our Read Filter chunkFilter new..
Idiot-proof, cross-browser force download in PHP size header Content Length . size output the file itself chunksize 1 1024 1024 you may want to change this bytes_send 0 if file.. bytes_send new_length buffer fread file chunksize print buffer echo buffer is also possible flush bytes_send..
PHP readfile() and large downloads readfile function readfile_chunked filename retbytes true chunksize 1 1024 1024 how many bytes per chunk buffer '' cnt 0 handle.. false return false while feof handle buffer fread handle chunksize echo buffer ob_flush flush if retbytes cnt strlen buffer status..
Webkit and Excel file(PHPexcel) size header Content Length . size output the file itself chunksize 1 1024 1024 1MB can be tweaked if needed bytes_send 0 if file.. bytes_send new_length buffer fread file chunksize print buffer echo buffer is also possible flush bytes_send..
How download big file using PHP (low memory usage) to save the file function copyfile_chunked infile outfile chunksize 10 1024 1024 10 Megs parse_url breaks a part a URL into it's.. time. cnt 0 while feof i_handle buf '' buf fread i_handle chunksize bytes fwrite o_handle buf if bytes false return false cnt.. fclose i_handle fclose o_handle return cnt Adjust the chunksize variable to your needs. This has only been mildly tested. It..
PHP x86 How to get filesize of >2GB file without external program? size by reading file content. extremely slow size float 0 chunksize 1024 1024 while feof fp fread fp chunksize size float chunksize.. size float 0 chunksize 1024 1024 while feof fp fread fp chunksize size float chunksize return size I know how to get it on 64bit.. 1024 1024 while feof fp fread fp chunksize size float chunksize return size I know how to get it on 64bit platforms using fseek..