php Programming Glossary: clarification
Symfony 2 - multiple server configuration reading and let me know if anything is confusing. EDIT For clarification things I can't use or rely on nix environment variables from..
Serialize/unserialize PHP object-graph to JSON (solved) references either see comments and reply below for clarification of this issue. Sebastian Bergmann's Object Freezer is a nice..
Auto fill text box depending on Drop Down value This might be a stupid question but I would like to have a clarification on how to go about this.I have come across quite a few articles..
Convert SWF to PNG perform this task on command. Thanks Another EDIT One more clarification. This is not a situation in which say a user makes a drawing..
HTTP if-none-match and if-modified-since and 304 clarification in PHP if none match and if modified since and 304 clarification in PHP My question is about how to reply a HTTP 304 Not Modified..
How do you implement a good profanity filter? [closed] for you. Edit in response the question edit Thanks for the clarification on what you're trying to do. In that case if you're just trying..
Converting latitude/longitude into city name? (reverse geolocating) clear Feel free to comment with any questions you need clarification on. php jquery google maps geolocation geocoding share improve..
PHP Ternary operator clarification Ternary operator clarification I use the ternary operator quite often but I've not been able..
Simple Javascript encrypt, PHP decrypt with shared secret key want you can Base64 encode and decode that. EDIT After OP clarification As you do not want widely used methods here is one rarely used..
How to parse SOAP response without SoapClient will solve your immediate problem. EDIT Thanks for the clarification. Again untested but maybe this would work xml simplexml_load_string..
How To Remove All DtDdWrappers and Labels on Zend Form Elements if you don't want them rendered Feel free to ask for clarification on anything hopefully this will help you out. share improve..
Cached, PHP generated Thumbnails load slow: How to find problem/solution from Waterfall graphs? not answering the site's main bottleneck. Time for for clarification of my question and another bounty Question Part B 100 bountys..
Loading multiple versions of the same class file in a uniquely named variable Let me add some more clarification ... I'm building a set of libraries to be used by other developers..
Comparing String to Integer giving strange feedback test2 0 echo Test 2 is Equal Returns Test 1 is Equal For clarification I am trying to compare the string 0 to the test variables. I..
DOMPDF - attach created PDF to email .rand 10 1000 . .pdf array Attachment false jexit Just for clarification this is being used in Joomla. Appreciate the simplest quickest..
how to store configurations for php app — xml or ini or db really dealt with creating custom ini files.... A small clarification the users won't touch the files they're non techie. So setting..
Code reviews on the web for PHP and JavaScript code sites dedicated specifically to code reviews Edit Just for clarification I'm looking more for a website to get the code critiqued by..
Reaching 100% Code Coverage with PHPUnit bit in the code coverage report to which I would like some clarification. See screenshot Because the last line of the method being tested..
Kohana ORM and Validation, having problems
Symfony2 MVC: where does my code belong? MVC where does my code belong I'm seeking clarification on whether to put code in a controller an entity or to make..
Get referrer URL - visitors coming from Paypal (HTTPS) the visitor land on the site coming from Paypal Edit and Clarification I'm not looking to have any special settings on the Paypal site..
Parallel HTTP requests in PHP using PECL HTTP classes [Answer: HttpRequestPool class] at the same time Any thoughts would be most appreciated Clarification 1 I'd like to stick to the PECL HTTP functions as they offer.. should also be beneficial from a maintenance perspective Clarification 2 I realise PHP's HTTP functions aren't built in and perhaps.. to be distributed it's a web app with a server to itself. Clarification 3 I'd be perfectly happy if someone authoritatively states that..
Is there a PHP equivalent of Perl's WWW::Mechanize? is pretty ugly tons of curl_foo curl_handle ... statements Clarification I want something more high level than the answers so far. For..
PHP syntax highlighting CodeRay Pygments or the JavaScript dp.SyntaxHighlighter . Clarification I'm looking for a code highlighting software written in PHP..
Exotic names for methods, constants, variables and fields - Bug or Feature? actually want to use anything but A Za z_ but I'm curious. Clarification I am not after a Regex to validate class names nor do I know..
How do I set an absolute include path in PHP? I want to place that folder outside the public directory Clarification My development files are currently being served by XAMPP Apache...
Creating a related or similar posts using PHP & MySQL articles ADD FULLTEXT title body EDIT Why to not use LIKE Clarification to OP Because it will not give correct results. Let's say you..
PHP Parse HTML code [duplicate] i nodeValue . br This outputs as T1 T2 T3 EDIT After OP Clarification If you want the content like Lorem ipsum. etc you can directly..
How to combine results from multiple tables with different columns? Or am I better off running a separate query for each table Clarification I'm not looking for a cartesian product. I don't want a row..
Delete all elements of a certain type from an XML doc using PHP manage to port code to PHP. Thanks for help and your time. Clarification in code snippet the variable books is just a holder for the..
Get absolute path of current script it should just as well function if run within apache etc. Clarification The initial executed script I only had one here so therefore..
How To Handle Communication Between the Domain and Database Layers? to which I still feel I haven't found a great solution. Clarification My existing solution uses Data Mappers to deal with the database..
Limiting user login attempts in PHP login captcha brute force share improve this question Clarification This is a completion to the other answers. Using a good implemented..
What is the best way to access a database from PHP? a website from scratch today which one would you choose Clarification This is not about DB abstraction layers PDO MDB2 . The pattern..
PHP XSS Question / Clarification XSS Question Clarification This has been asked before but I need 100 clarity on this issue..
When mysql_query returns false http manual en function.mysql query.php Edit Clarification of what those errors actually are. So we have list of things..