php Programming Glossary: chunksizebytes
Google Drive API - PHP Client Library - setting uploadType to resumable upload checkout if client getAccessToken filePath path to foo.txt chunkSizeBytes 1 1024 1024 file new Google_DriveFile file setTitle 'My document'.. media new Google_MediaFileUpload 'text plain' null true chunkSizeBytes media setFileSize filesize filePath result service files insert.. filePath rb while status feof handle chunk fread handle chunkSizeBytes uploadStatus media nextChunk result chunk fclose handle share..
Post large video to youtube via google php client api v3 video setSnippet snippet video setStatus status chunkSizeBytes 1 1024 1024 media new Google_MediaFileUpload 'video mp4' null.. media new Google_MediaFileUpload 'video mp4' null true chunkSizeBytes media setFileSize filesize videoPath result youtube videos insert.. videoPath rb while status feof handle chunk fread handle chunkSizeBytes uploadStatus media nextChunk result chunk fclose handle share..
How to upload LARGE files on YouTube video setSnippet snippet video setStatus status chunkSizeBytes 1 1024 1024 media new Google_MediaFileUpload 'video mp4' null.. media new Google_MediaFileUpload 'video mp4' null true chunkSizeBytes media setFileSize filesize videoPath result youtube videos insert.. videoPath rb while status feof handle chunk fread handle chunkSizeBytes uploadStatus media nextChunk result chunk fclose handle I found..