php Programming Glossary: choosing
PDO MySQL: Use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES or not? of these statements are anymore. My greatest concern in choosing a MySQL interface is preventing SQL Injection. The second concern..
Error logging, in a smooth way code and show an Internal Server Error type page of your choosing. 2. Exceptions Exceptions can be dealt with in a very similar..
How to successfully rewrite old mysql-php code with deprecated mysql_* functions? start my rewrite with only main part connect to db and choosing DB in here the rest I can do on my own with google and manuals..
Displaying a table in PHP with repeated columns which in your code is . It can be easily fixed by choosing separator that almost impossible to be used by metavalue . Anyway..
PHP mysql insert date format See also the MySQL API Overview for further help while choosing a MySQL API. You appear to be using either a DATETIME or TIMESTAMP..
update data in the div by typing something or selecting a new date value or choosing a dropdown selection . The user supplied data is 1 GRABBED via..
Laravel 3 : Looking for explanation how to use the model to be deferred Specifically A good Architecture delays choosing a Framework Another great piece to think about MVC is not an..
How to add scraped website data in database? in theory add content on their site to inject SQL of their choosing into your database. In any case an apostrophe on their side..
Store html entities in database? Or convert when retrieved? in the database. That gives you the most flexibility when choosing how and where to output that data. If you find that performance..
Fastest way to convert string to integer in PHP unexpected behaviour which you should be aware of when choosing one of these methods x 11 int x int 11 intval x int 11 x 0 int..
Which PHP mcrypt cipher is safest?
Algorithm for generating a random number generate many ids at a time . Now the important point in choosing an encryption algorithm is the guarantee that numbers will never..
Easy to use/learn PHP framework? [closed] as I want to standardize my code as well. I ended up choosing Codeigniter because I wanted something with good documentation..
php readdir problem with japanese language file name it's quite a horrible encoding. If it's your own scripts choosing how to store files I'd strongly suggest using simple primary..
Better Random Generating PHP the server. I have a project that is HIGHLY dependent on choosing a random that is as unpredictable as possible. So I'm looking..
PHP Warning: wbExec to the Searching Keywords . Here is no folder because Im choosing the file and not the folder as in M1. When software will be.. to what I wrote above for M1 this is the same after choosing the file I press Run button waits for search to be done and..
Reference: What is a perfect code sample using the MySQL extension? [closed] will suffice alternatively use a method of your choosing Output the message name updated. And does not show any of the..
Memcached vs APC which one should I choose? says Memcached is slow and apc is fast so why is everyone choosing memcached http manual en zend.cache.backends.html#zend.cache.backends.twolevels..
When should I use MySQLi instead of MySQL? from SQL injection. This alone should be enough for always choosing MySQLi over MySQL . MySQLi enables most of the MySQL features...
Choosing the right technology/library for adding user specified text on a path in previously defined regions the right technology library for adding user specified text..
Different WCF Bindings, their differences and compatibility with other platforms c# java php .net wcf share improve this question Choosing the right WCF binding BasicHttpBinding Basic web service communication...
How to encrypt/decrypt data in php? used more about this later. Encryption Cipher and mode Choosing the best encryption cipher and mode is beyond the scope of this..
mysql_fetch_array, mysql_fetch_assoc, mysql_fetch_object And mysql_fetch_object will get you objetcs in return. Choosing between mysql_fetch_assoc and mysql_fetch_object most probably..
Choosing a thumbnail from an external link a thumbnail from an external link I am trying to build a script..
Choosing a PHP Framework for long-term deployment a PHP Framework for long term deployment Duplicate Question..
How to integrate PayPal with Zend Framework this question This would maybe be a good place to start Choosing the Right PayPal Solution Integrating PayPal IPN with Zend Framework..
PHP Framework for a beginner, expecting a longlasting relationship with it [duplicate] See for example What PHP MVC framework can you recommend Choosing a PHP Framework for long term deployment What PHP Framework..
Beginning PHP development - programming stack recommendation and web site resources [closed] up web development . In regards to frameworks start with Choosing the right PHP framework . You probably should consider Javascript..