php Programming Glossary: christmas
How to get multiple parameters with same name from a URL in PHP ofi fmt kev mtx book rft.genre book rft.btitle At last a Christmas in the West Indies. London Macmillan and co... 'rft.genre' array 'book' 'rft.btitle' array 'At last a Christmas in the West Indies.' '' array 'London' '' array..
Codeigniter, timezone_menu and date_default_timezone_set
how to convert php date formats to GMT and vice versa? keep a reference to an instance. e.g. Get a reference to Christmas of 2011 at lunch time. date new DateTime '2011 12 25 13 00 00'.. 'Y m d H i s' Output 2011 12 24 13 00 00 At midnight on Christmas eve in Melbourne it will be 1pm on Christmas Eve GMT. echo '.. midnight on Christmas eve in Melbourne it will be 1pm on Christmas Eve GMT. echo ' br ' Convert it back to Australia Melbourne..
PHP GD Library output an image and text content on same page example a form that allows the user to create a digital Christmas card he can select the image and write a personal note beneath.. an image select name imgname option value tree Picture of Christmas tree option option value santa Picture of Santa option select.. name message textarea br input type submit value View Christmas card form body html view_card.php html body Here is your Christmas..