php Programming Glossary: chooses
Signing PDFs on a server document using a signature from the user is how can I do it directly on the server. The user chooses yes the signature is read from his reader on his computer and..
how to hide the actual download folder location user is logged in and is able to download the file. If he chooses to download the file a PHP file is called in a new tab with..
First drop down menu to auto change the options of a second dropdown choice in the first dropdown menu. For example if the user chooses the First option then the second dropdown will show select name..
PHP remember file field contents other file display its filename and or icon. If the user chooses to upload a different file in the file_upload field process..
dynamic drop down box? is what I am doing in the example posted above The user chooses a student name which fires the jQuery .change selector Here..
Using AJAX to return query results based on drop down box type text javascript document .ready function if user chooses an option from the select box... #department_list .change function..
Character Sets explained for Dummies! [closed] or how to transform from one set of mappings to another chooses the wrong mapping chooses a mapping that results in data loss.. one set of mappings to another chooses the wrong mapping chooses a mapping that results in data loss doesn't see that such transformations..
Currency Conversion using PHP like '100' and select USD as the currency and then chooses Australian or Canadian dollars as the currency to convert to...
How should a model be structured in MVC? the Model Layer and then based on the received information chooses a template and sets values. One of the benefits you gain from..
Redirect with POST data using different APIs. The flow I want is that the user chooses which payment option to use and the according form shows. On..
Reference: Comparing PHP's print and echo its side effects evaluating e and printing its value PHP chooses to just make it evaluate to a dummy value. This was chosen to.. from the compiler. print happens to be an fexpr that chooses to evaluate its argument in the same way as a function. The..
Designing a secure auto login cookie system in PHP require another table. When a user logs in and chooses keep login create an entry in this table. The entry can be any..