

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:00

jquery Programming Glossary: dimensions

jquery cycle IE7 transparent png problem


scale sizingMethod defaults to scale matches image dimensions this.each function var isImg forceBG false jQuery.nodeName this..

Detecting when a div's height changes using jQuery


'DOMSubtreeModified' ... But this will fire even if the dimensions don't change and reassigning the position whenever it fires.. In my experience using this method checking whether the dimensions have changed is less expensive and so you might consider combining..

Is it possible to listen to a “style change” event?


example if I want to do something when an element changes dimensions or any other changes in the style attribute I could do 'div'..

jQuery Animation - Smooth Size Transition


bit of content I want to smoothly animate between the dimensions of the div with lots of content to the dimensions of the div.. the dimensions of the div with lots of content to the dimensions of the div with very little when the new content is injected... will only be the same as `finish` if this element had its dimensions specified explicitly and in pixels. Of course if that was done..

Center an Image vertically and horizontally using CSS


absolute div JS '#imgContainer img' .each function get img dimensions var h this .height var w this .width get div dimensions var.. dimensions var h this .height var w this .width get div dimensions var div_h '#imgContainer' .height var div_w '#imgContainer'..

How can I determine if an image has loaded, using Javascript/jQuery?


the image announce itself with onload. Then figure out the dimensions from there. img id photo onload 'loaded this.id ' src a_really_big_file.jpg..

Get real image width and height with JavaScript in Safari/Chrome?


images. To avoid any affects CSS might have on the image's dimensions the code above makes an in memory copy of the image. This is..

jQuery/Javascript collision detection


Oscar gave you the general idea you get the offsets and dimensions of the boxes and check whether they overlap. Thanks to jQuery.. for your specific example. you don't have to read the box dimensions repeatedly like I do in my code since they are fixed. You can..

How to get image size (height & width) using JavaScript?


there any JavaScript or jQuery APIs or methods to get the dimensions of an image on the page javascript jquery image jquery plugins.. that show the current in browser size of the inner dimensions of a DOM element excluding margin and border . So in the case.. So in the case of an IMG element this will get the actual dimensions of the visible image. var img document.getElementById 'imageid'..

jQuery x y document coordinates of DOM object


location share improve this question you can use Dimensions plugin Deprecated... included in jQuery 1.3.2 offset Get the..

Using jquery to get element's position relative to viewport


viewport share improve this question Look into the Dimensions plugin specifically scrollTop scrollLeft . Information can be..

Jquery slideToggle problem in IE8 only using lists


human dimensions market research and evaluation Human Dimensions Market Research and Evaluation a li li a href services facilitation..

jQuery : add css class to menu item based on browser scroller position


.removeClass 'active' I am not very familiar with jQuery Dimensions properties so this code doesn't make much sense but I hope you..

HTML5 Video Dimensions


Video Dimensions I'm trying to get the dimensions of a video of which I'm overlaying..

Get True Dimensions of an Image with JQuery


True Dimensions of an Image with JQuery Given a list of image paths how can..

Retrieving percentage CSS values (in firefox)


can be retrieved by calling window.getComputedStyle. Dimensions e.g. width line height are all in pixels... etc There seems..

jquery cycle IE7 transparent png problem


Path to empty 1x1px GIF goes here sizingMethod sizingMethod scale sizingMethod defaults to scale matches image dimensions this.each function var isImg forceBG false jQuery.nodeName this img imgname isImg this.src this.currentStyle.backgroundImage..

Detecting when a div's height changes using jQuery


You can use the DOMSubtreeModified event something .bind 'DOMSubtreeModified' ... But this will fire even if the dimensions don't change and reassigning the position whenever it fires can take a performance hit. In my experience using this method.. the position whenever it fires can take a performance hit. In my experience using this method checking whether the dimensions have changed is less expensive and so you might consider combining the two. Or if you are directly altering the div rather..

Is it possible to listen to a “style change” event?


in jQuery that can be bound to any style changes For example if I want to do something when an element changes dimensions or any other changes in the style attribute I could do 'div' .bind 'style' function console.log this .css 'height' 'div'..

jQuery Animation - Smooth Size Transition


of content Lots of content ... div .... div .html Itsy bitsy bit of content I want to smoothly animate between the dimensions of the div with lots of content to the dimensions of the div with very little when the new content is injected. Thoughts.. Itsy bitsy bit of content I want to smoothly animate between the dimensions of the div with lots of content to the dimensions of the div with very little when the new content is injected. Thoughts jquery animation resize share improve this question.. original width and height represented as pixel values. These will only be the same as `finish` if this element had its dimensions specified explicitly and in pixels. Of course if that was done then this entire routine is pointless as the dimensions won't..

Center an Image vertically and horizontally using CSS


id imgContainer style position relative img style position absolute div JS '#imgContainer img' .each function get img dimensions var h this .height var w this .width get div dimensions var div_h '#imgContainer' .height var div_w '#imgContainer' .width.. absolute div JS '#imgContainer img' .each function get img dimensions var h this .height var w this .width get div dimensions var div_h '#imgContainer' .height var div_w '#imgContainer' .width set img position this.style.top Math.round div_h h 2..

How can I determine if an image has loaded, using Javascript/jQuery?


this question Either add an event listener or have the image announce itself with onload. Then figure out the dimensions from there. img id photo onload 'loaded this.id ' src a_really_big_file.jpg alt this is some alt text title this is some..

Get real image width and height with JavaScript in Safari/Chrome?


will not pic_real_height this.height work for in memory images. To avoid any affects CSS might have on the image's dimensions the code above makes an in memory copy of the image. This is a very clever solution suggested by FDisk . share improve..

jQuery/Javascript collision detection


As a substitute I give you this demo http jsfiddle.net 98sAG Oscar gave you the general idea you get the offsets and dimensions of the boxes and check whether they overlap. Thanks to jQuery I got it done in less than 20 lines of code Update If you.. Also note that you can optimize the function for your specific example. you don't have to read the box dimensions repeatedly like I do in my code since they are fixed. You can read them on page load into a variable and then just read..

How to get image size (height & width) using JavaScript?


to get image size height width using JavaScript Are there any JavaScript or jQuery APIs or methods to get the dimensions of an image on the page javascript jquery image jquery plugins share improve this question clientWidth and clientHeight.. this question clientWidth and clientHeight are DOM properties that show the current in browser size of the inner dimensions of a DOM element excluding margin and border . So in the case of an IMG element this will get the actual dimensions of the.. dimensions of a DOM element excluding margin and border . So in the case of an IMG element this will get the actual dimensions of the visible image. var img document.getElementById 'imageid' or however you get a handle to the IMG var width img.clientWidth..

jQuery x y document coordinates of DOM object


parent or to document. javascript jquery user interface location share improve this question you can use Dimensions plugin Deprecated... included in jQuery 1.3.2 offset Get the current offset of the first matched element in pixels relative..

Using jquery to get element's position relative to viewport


method that returns offsets relative to the viewport jquery viewport share improve this question Look into the Dimensions plugin specifically scrollTop scrollLeft . Information can be found at http api.jquery.com scrollTop . share improve this..

Jquery slideToggle problem in IE8 only using lists


and Conservation Education a li li a href services human dimensions market research and evaluation Human Dimensions Market Research and Evaluation a li li a href services facilitation strategic planning and public involvement Facilitation..

jQuery : add css class to menu item based on browser scroller position


.height 1500 '#m2' .parent .addClass 'active' . siblings .removeClass 'active' I am not very familiar with jQuery Dimensions properties so this code doesn't make much sense but I hope you get the idea. If someone could tell me how to make this work..

HTML5 Video Dimensions


Video Dimensions I'm trying to get the dimensions of a video of which I'm overlaying onto a page with javascript however it is returning..

Get True Dimensions of an Image with JQuery


True Dimensions of an Image with JQuery Given a list of image paths how can I iterate through them and find the actual image dimensions..

Retrieving percentage CSS values (in firefox)


property after all calculations have been performed. Used values can be retrieved by calling window.getComputedStyle. Dimensions e.g. width line height are all in pixels... etc There seems to be no way to access specified css values for a given element..