

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:00

jquery Programming Glossary: disabling

Fancybox stuck loading iframe in IE


fancybox 2 share improve this question It seems like disabling pre loading fixes the issue with iframes and IE so try this..

load json into variable


that synchronous requests may temporarily lock the browser disabling any actions while the request is active. share improve this..

Prevent double submission of forms in jQuery


is this line 'input' .attr 'disabled' 'disabled' You're disabling ALL the inputs including I'd guess the ones whose data the form..

Using jquery to prevent resubmitting form


kind of problem Update Well I see some of the advice said disabling the submit button. This should prevent the form being submitted.. I disable it the user won't be able to submit it anymore disabling it for 15s may work but is this the right way to solve this.. as per your update Well I see some of the advice said disabling the submit button. This should prevent the from submit multiple..

Asynchronous Controller is blocking requests in ASP.NET MVC through jQuery


for context and a workaround. MVC 2 Futures has a way of disabling this lock it may also be included in MVC 3 proper. See https..

$(window).unload wait for AJAX call to finish before leaving a webpage


that synchronous requests may temporarily lock the browser disabling any actions while the request is active. share improve this..

How can I disable a button on a jQuery UI dialog?


disable a button on a jQuery UI dialog How do I go about disabling a button on the jQuery UI dialog . I can't seem to find this..

how can I do a jQuery swear word / bad word filter?


bad idea but in my implementation I'm planning on enabling disabling bad words in the account settings. In other words bad words..

Cancel single image request in html5 browsers


http request for the image. I tested this with Fiddler2 by disabling caching and enabling emulate modem speed . Then running a fiddle..

Disable submit button on form submit


' .attr 'disabled' 'disabled' What is happening is you're disabling the button altogether before it actually triggers the submit..

How to disable all div content


Bind event to right mouse click


How can I trigger some action with right click after disabling the browser context menu I tried this . . . document .ready..

jQuery disable SELECT options based on Radio selected (Need support for all browsers)


just to remove the options. As you discovered the hard way disabling individual options is not supported particularly well across..

how to check whether a port is open at client's network/firewall (solved)


port 1935. I check the port 1935 open blocked scenario by disabling enabling both rules. This is my S.S.C.C.E . Now please help..

Adding jQuery validator rules to dynamically created elements


The date is required But it doesn't work Oddly enough disabling the above code creating the dynamic elements then running the..

JQuery ui - date picker, disabling specific dates


ui date picker disabling specific dates I am trying to disable specific dates using..

Disabling IE8 accelerators for an entire site


IE8 accelerators for an entire site Yes I know there is a similar..

Disabling links to stop double-clicks in JQuery


links to stop double clicks in JQuery How would I disable all..

jQuery How to Hide DIVs, they are Showing for a Split Second on page Load


jquery elements hiding share improve this question Disabling in CSS is fine but then users without JS will never see them...

Disabling middle click scrolling with javascript


middle click scrolling with javascript Background I am creating..

Using jquery to prevent resubmitting form


jquery html form submit share improve this question Disabling the submit button is indeed the way to go. However in a lot.. is mandatory to determine the action to be executed. Disabling the button would make its name value pair to completely disappear..

How to prevent form element from sending some fields we don't want?


.remove removing field 1 from query return true send Disabling the form element also stops it from being entered into the query...

Disabling browser tooltips on links and <abbr>s


browser tooltips on links and abbr s I want to suppress the..

Disabling right click on images using jquery


right click on images using jquery I want to know how to disable..

Prevent middle mouse click scrolling


and showing the little scroll 'compass'. I have seen Disabling middle click scrolling with javascript however the solution..

Disabling submit button until all fields have values


submit button until all fields have values I want to disable..

Unnecessary horizontal scrollbar jqGrid


have a fixed width very small others have a dynamic width. Disabling horizontal scrolling at all is no solution because users can..

Disabling links with JQuery


links with JQuery I have the following code which does a function..

Preventing double-click of Submit button [duplicate]


click of Submit button duplicate Possible Duplicate Disabling links to stop double clicks in JQuery I have several form submit..

Disabling input elements in a CakePHP form that uses Security component and jQuery


input elements in a CakePHP form that uses Security component..

Disabling an element from being clicked after it is clicked


an element from being clicked after it is clicked I have a..

Add CSS to iFrame [duplicate]


Disabling some jQuery global Ajax event handlers for a request


some jQuery global Ajax event handlers for a request Suppose..

Disabling Previous and Next buttons in Mobile Safari


Previous and Next buttons in Mobile Safari Is it possible to..

Disabling controls within a table - JQuery/Javascript


controls within a table JQuery Javascript I have a complex..

Fancybox stuck loading iframe in IE


work in IE for me. jquery internet explorer iframe fancybox fancybox 2 share improve this question It seems like disabling pre loading fixes the issue with iframes and IE so try this document .ready function fancybox handler '.fancybox media'..

load json into variable


Prevent double submission of forms in jQuery


post share improve this question I think that your problem is this line 'input' .attr 'disabled' 'disabled' You're disabling ALL the inputs including I'd guess the ones whose data the form is supposed to submit. To disable just the submit button..

Using jquery to prevent resubmitting form


data in the database. What's the solution for this kind of problem Update Well I see some of the advice said disabling the submit button. This should prevent the form being submitted multiple times but the problem is the form element in my.. the problem is the form element in my page isn't refreshed if I disable it the user won't be able to submit it anymore disabling it for 15s may work but is this the right way to solve this problem jquery html form submit share improve this question.. function e e e event .lastClicked e.target e.srcElement Update as per your update Well I see some of the advice said disabling the submit button. This should prevent the from submit multiple times but the problem is the form element in my page isn't..

Asynchronous Controller is blocking requests in ASP.NET MVC through jQuery


is trying to read it. See http forums.asp.net t 1501623.aspx for context and a workaround. MVC 2 Futures has a way of disabling this lock it may also be included in MVC 3 proper. See https blogs.msdn.com b rickandy archive 2009 12 17 session less mvc..

$(window).unload wait for AJAX call to finish before leaving a webpage


How can I disable a button on a jQuery UI dialog?


can I disable a button on a jQuery UI dialog How do I go about disabling a button on the jQuery UI dialog . I can't seem to find this in any of the documentation in the link above. I have 2 buttons..

how can I do a jQuery swear word / bad word filter?


filter I know there are many arguments as to why this is a bad idea but in my implementation I'm planning on enabling disabling bad words in the account settings. In other words bad words will be visible by default but switched off hidden if asked...

Cancel single image request in html5 browsers


but it seems that only Firefox actually cancels the http request for the image. I tested this with Fiddler2 by disabling caching and enabling emulate modem speed . Then running a fiddle to test canceling a image request. I'd love to hear other..

Disable submit button on form submit


'form#id' .submit function this .find 'input type submit ' .attr 'disabled' 'disabled' What is happening is you're disabling the button altogether before it actually triggers the submit event. You should probably also think about naming your elements..

How to disable all div content


Bind event to right mouse click


event to right mouse click How can I trigger some action with right click after disabling the browser context menu I tried this . . . document .ready function document .bind contextmenu function e return false..

jQuery disable SELECT options based on Radio selected (Need support for all browsers)


The proper way to achieve the functionality you want is just to remove the options. As you discovered the hard way disabling individual options is not supported particularly well across browsers. I just woke up and feel like programming something..

how to check whether a port is open at client's network/firewall (solved)


have created firewall rule for both inbound and outbound for port 1935. I check the port 1935 open blocked scenario by disabling enabling both rules. This is my S.S.C.C.E . Now please help me java javascript jquery java ee jsonp share improve this..

Adding jQuery validator rules to dynamically created elements


container.find .date .rules add required true messages required The date is required But it doesn't work Oddly enough disabling the above code creating the dynamic elements then running the code in the browser JS console works but only the default..

JQuery ui - date picker, disabling specific dates


ui date picker disabling specific dates I am trying to disable specific dates using the JQuery Ui. However I am having no luck here is my code DOCTYPE..

Disabling IE8 accelerators for an entire site


IE8 accelerators for an entire site Yes I know there is a similar question on SO but it's 8 months old since then IE8 RTM..

Disabling links to stop double-clicks in JQuery


links to stop double clicks in JQuery How would I disable all links with the button class after they are clicked once I'd..

jQuery How to Hide DIVs, they are Showing for a Split Second on page Load


a split second just want to know if it's acceptable Thanks. jquery elements hiding share improve this question Disabling in CSS is fine but then users without JS will never see them. To disable for users with JS only mark the body and appropriate..

Disabling middle click scrolling with javascript


middle click scrolling with javascript Background I am creating a table reminiscent of whenisgood.net in that it has click..

Using jquery to prevent resubmitting form


15s may work but is this the right way to solve this problem jquery html form submit share improve this question Disabling the submit button is indeed the way to go. However in a lot of cases the server side logic to be executed depends on the.. submit button. The name value pair of the pressed submit button is mandatory to determine the action to be executed. Disabling the button would make its name value pair to completely disappear in the request parameter map and the server side may not..

How to prevent form element from sending some fields we don't want?


On the onsubmit handler formElement .submit function this.field1 .remove removing field 1 from query return true send Disabling the form element also stops it from being entered into the query. tested on Chrome formElement .submit function this.field1.disabled..

Disabling browser tooltips on links and <abbr>s


browser tooltips on links and abbr s I want to suppress the web browser's default tooltip display when a user hovers over..

Disabling right click on images using jquery


right click on images using jquery I want to know how to disable right click on images using jqeury. I know only this script..

Prevent middle mouse click scrolling


middle mouse click from causing the browser to start scrolling and showing the little scroll 'compass'. I have seen Disabling middle click scrolling with javascript however the solution is a bit more hackey than I would like and doesn't seem like..

Disabling submit button until all fields have values


submit button until all fields have values I want to disable my submit button until all the fields have values.. how can..

Unnecessary horizontal scrollbar jqGrid


property for the width. There are about eight columns some have a fixed width very small others have a dynamic width. Disabling horizontal scrolling at all is no solution because users can still enlarge certain columns and then a horizontal scrollbar..

Disabling links with JQuery


links with JQuery I have the following code which does a function similar to the way the comment link works here on Stackoverflow.....

Preventing double-click of Submit button [duplicate]


double click of Submit button duplicate Possible Duplicate Disabling links to stop double clicks in JQuery I have several form submit buttons throughout the site I am working on all of which..

Disabling input elements in a CakePHP form that uses Security component and jQuery


input elements in a CakePHP form that uses Security component and jQuery I have a form in CakePHP that has two live search..

Disabling an element from being clicked after it is clicked


an element from being clicked after it is clicked I have a button that saves the content that a user edits. I do not want..

Add CSS to iFrame [duplicate]


Disabling some jQuery global Ajax event handlers for a request


some jQuery global Ajax event handlers for a request Suppose that I have some global Ajax event handlers defined ajaxStart..

Disabling Previous and Next buttons in Mobile Safari


Previous and Next buttons in Mobile Safari Is it possible to disable the 'next' and 'previous' buttons in Mobile Safari..

Disabling controls within a table - JQuery/Javascript


controls within a table JQuery Javascript I have a complex UI with several nested tables a repeater control and several..