

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:00

jquery Programming Glossary: dir

Javascript Date from milliseconds and timezone [duplicate]


var time parseInt res 1 10 if res 2 res 3 res 4 var dir res 2 1 1 h parseInt res 3 10 m parseInt res 4 10 time dir h.. dir res 2 1 1 h parseInt res 3 10 m parseInt res 4 10 time dir h 60 m 60000 return new Date time share improve this answer..

How do I remove base tags from jQuery mobile scripts?


location.protocol location.host location.pathname ui dir base head base fauxEle null href link rebase if base.length..

javascript - Need onclick to go full distance before click works again


accomplish this function #right #left .click function var dir this.id right ' ' ' ' .outerwrapper .stop .animate scrollLeft.. right ' ' ' ' .outerwrapper .stop .animate scrollLeft dir '251' 1000 javascript jquery share improve this question.. #right #left .click function if animating return var dir this.id right ' ' ' ' animating true outerwrap.animate scrollLeft..

Slider with buttons. How to improve?


and hold it the content starts to move in the appropriate direction . If you not hold the button then the movement stops... 'scrollLeft' this.scrollLeft loopingAnimation function el dir if scrollWrapper.data 'loop' var sign dir offsetStep offsetStep.. function el dir if scrollWrapper.data 'loop' var sign dir offsetStep offsetStep scrollWrapper 0 .scrollLeft sign setTimeout..

Path to WordPress Template Directory inside jQuery?


script type text javascript src php bloginfo 'template_directory' css effects.js script But inside this file I have a jQuery.. doesn't work unless the url is php bloginfo 'template_directory' css sendmail.php and not just css sendmail.php Is there.. there any way to include a path to the wordpress template directory inside js javascript jquery wordpress wordpress theming..

Problem reading webservice with jquery?


InternalFunctions.js type text javascript script div dir rtl style border 1px solid #CCCCCC asp Image ID Image1 runat..

Submit Search query & get Search result without refresh


to submit search query form get search result without redirecting reloading refreshing on the same page . My content is.. and present them to the user without a page refresh redirect or reloading you need to Use Ajax to Post the data from your.. 4.01 EN http www.w3.org TR html4 strict.dtd html lang pt dir ltr head title Search And Show Without Refresh title meta HTTP..

How to include an external plugin inside of another jQuery plugin being authored


javascript' script.src 'jquery.simplemodal.js' in same dir as my plugin tried both document.body.appendChild script document.getElementsByTagName.. Fixed My issue was that I was referencing the same directory as the js plugin however when it's added to the page it's.. however when it's added to the page it's outside of that directory. was script.src 'jquery.simplemodal.js' fixed script.src..

preload an array of images with jquery


count files var imgNum php echo rand var imgDir php echo dir var imgBlurDir php echo blurdir document .ready function php.. rand var imgDir php echo dir var imgBlurDir php echo blurdir document .ready function php for i 0 i count files i echo imgArray..

PHP Query String Manipulation


param1 1 param2 2 param1 1 param2 2 page.html param1 1 dir page.html test 1 bla 2 dir page.html param1 1#jump_to_bottom.. 1 param2 2 page.html param1 1 dir page.html test 1 bla 2 dir page.html param1 1#jump_to_bottom It should ideally be something.. param1 1 param2 2 param3 3 and var add_get_param ' dir page.html param1 1 param2 2#jump_to_bottom' 'param3' dir page.html..

Multiple AJAX requests functions combined into one?


function var a this .attr 'name' .split _ var page a 1 var dir a 2 currentPage page dir 'next' currentPage page 1 currentPage.. 'name' .split _ var page a 1 var dir a 2 currentPage page dir 'next' currentPage page 1 currentPage page 1 if currentPage..

Colorbox not loading properly in IE


in console var names log debug info warn error assert dir dirxml group groupEnd time timeEnd count trace profile profileEnd.. in console var names log debug info warn error assert dir dirxml group groupEnd time timeEnd count trace profile profileEnd.. or first item in menu without lightbox . Here is a direct link to the page if needed. Going to the page directly will..

Javascript Date from milliseconds and timezone [duplicate]


new Date NaN or something that indicates it was not a DateString var time parseInt res 1 10 if res 2 res 3 res 4 var dir res 2 1 1 h parseInt res 3 10 m parseInt res 4 10 time dir h 60 m 60000 return new Date time share improve this answer..

How do I remove base tags from jQuery mobile scripts?


avoid href src attr rewriting function baseTagTest var fauxBase location.protocol location.host location.pathname ui dir base head base fauxEle null href link rebase if base.length base fauxEle base href fauxBase .appendTo head else href base.attr..

javascript - Need onclick to go full distance before click works again


instead of right at the seam. What code am I missing to accomplish this function #right #left .click function var dir this.id right ' ' ' ' .outerwrapper .stop .animate scrollLeft dir '251' 1000 javascript jquery share improve this question.. this function #right #left .click function var dir this.id right ' ' ' ' .outerwrapper .stop .animate scrollLeft dir '251' 1000 javascript jquery share improve this question I would've thought that the easiest way would be to have.. taking place function var animating false outerwrap .outerwrapper #right #left .click function if animating return var dir this.id right ' ' ' ' animating true outerwrap.animate scrollLeft dir '251' 1000 function animating false works for me..

Slider with buttons. How to improve?


and two buttons right and left . If you press the button and hold it the content starts to move in the appropriate direction . If you not hold the button then the movement stops. This behavior copies the behavior of a usual window scrollbar... function scrollWrapper.data 'loop' false .stop this .data 'scrollLeft' this.scrollLeft loopingAnimation function el dir if scrollWrapper.data 'loop' var sign dir offsetStep offsetStep scrollWrapper 0 .scrollLeft sign setTimeout function loopingAnimation.. .stop this .data 'scrollLeft' this.scrollLeft loopingAnimation function el dir if scrollWrapper.data 'loop' var sign dir offsetStep offsetStep scrollWrapper 0 .scrollLeft sign setTimeout function loopingAnimation el dir animateTime return false..

Path to WordPress Template Directory inside jQuery?


My header is calling a javascript file which sends out an email script type text javascript src php bloginfo 'template_directory' css effects.js script But inside this file I have a jQuery code that calls a .php file that does the actual sending.. type POST url css sendmail.php data dataString` But the script doesn't work unless the url is php bloginfo 'template_directory' css sendmail.php and not just css sendmail.php Is there any way to include a path to the wordpress template directory.. css sendmail.php and not just css sendmail.php Is there any way to include a path to the wordpress template directory inside js javascript jquery wordpress wordpress theming share improve this question You could create a Javascript..

Problem reading webservice with jquery?


Scripts TabMenu.js type text javascript script script src Scripts InternalFunctions.js type text javascript script div dir rtl style border 1px solid #CCCCCC asp Image ID Image1 runat server ImageUrl .. .. generalImg Icons 64X64 settings_Icon_64.gif..

Submit Search query & get Search result without refresh


Search query get Search result without refresh I want to submit search query form get search result without redirecting reloading refreshing on the same page . My content is dynamic so can not use those submit contact form without refreshing.. In order to submit a form collect the results from the database and present them to the user without a page refresh redirect or reloading you need to Use Ajax to Post the data from your form to a php file That file in background will query the.. with gray colors index.php DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC W3C DTD HTML 4.01 EN http www.w3.org TR html4 strict.dtd html lang pt dir ltr head title Search And Show Without Refresh title meta HTTP EQUIV Content Type CONTENT text html charset ISO 8859 1 meta..

How to include an external plugin inside of another jQuery plugin being authored


var script document.createElement 'script' script.type 'text javascript' script.src 'jquery.simplemodal.js' in same dir as my plugin tried both document.body.appendChild script document.getElementsByTagName 'head' 0 .appendChild script .fn.SUI_CheckProgress.. on programatically adding scripts to a page would be appreciated. Fixed My issue was that I was referencing the same directory as the js plugin however when it's added to the page it's outside of that directory. was script.src 'jquery.simplemodal.js'.. that I was referencing the same directory as the js plugin however when it's added to the page it's outside of that directory. was script.src 'jquery.simplemodal.js' fixed script.src 'js jquery.simplemodal.js' javascript jquery jquery plugins..

preload an array of images with jquery


array set vars var imgArray new Array var imgCount php echo count files var imgNum php echo rand var imgDir php echo dir var imgBlurDir php echo blurdir document .ready function php for i 0 i count files i echo imgArray i ' . files i . ' n .. Array var imgCount php echo count files var imgNum php echo rand var imgDir php echo dir var imgBlurDir php echo blurdir document .ready function php for i 0 i count files i echo imgArray i ' . files i . ' n Preload Images 'mainImg #orig' .html..

PHP Query String Manipulation


param1 1 param1 2 ftp user pass@mysite.com files uploads param1 1 param2 2 param1 1 param2 2 page.html param1 1 dir page.html test 1 bla 2 dir page.html param1 1#jump_to_bottom It should ideally be something like function add_get_param.. user pass@mysite.com files uploads param1 1 param2 2 param1 1 param2 2 page.html param1 1 dir page.html test 1 bla 2 dir page.html param1 1#jump_to_bottom It should ideally be something like function add_get_param uri name value null ... function.. 'http mysite.com param1 1 param2 2' 'param3' 3 http mysite.com param1 1 param2 2 param3 3 and var add_get_param ' dir page.html param1 1 param2 2#jump_to_bottom' 'param3' dir page.html param1 1 param2 2 param3#jump_to_bottom etc... Alright..

Multiple AJAX requests functions combined into one?


'a' 113 'b' 115 Should go from A to Z .pageButton .click function var a this .attr 'name' .split _ var page a 1 var dir a 2 currentPage page dir 'next' currentPage page 1 currentPage page 1 if currentPage page 0 currentPage page 1 '#page_'.. go from A to Z .pageButton .click function var a this .attr 'name' .split _ var page a 1 var dir a 2 currentPage page dir 'next' currentPage page 1 currentPage page 1 if currentPage page 0 currentPage page 1 '#page_' page '_prev' .attr 'disabled'..

Colorbox not loading properly in IE


solve the issue and it did not if console in window firebug in console var names log debug info warn error assert dir dirxml group groupEnd time timeEnd count trace profile profileEnd window.console for var i 0 len names.length i len i window.console.. solve the issue and it did not if console in window firebug in console var names log debug info warn error assert dir dirxml group groupEnd time timeEnd count trace profile profileEnd window.console for var i 0 len names.length i len i window.console.. appear. Click Message Examples lower left hand corner of lightbox or first item in menu without lightbox . Here is a direct link to the page if needed. Going to the page directly will not trigger the error. I attempted to use window.onload function..