

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:59

jquery Programming Glossary: die

Server Side PHP Long polling


DESC LIMIT 1 chants mysqli_query mysqli calls or die mysqli_error mysqli streamitem_catch mysqli_fetch_array chants.. lastID _POST 'streamitem_id' if empty lastID die 'timeout' else following_string _SESSION 'id' result SELECT.. DESC LIMIT 1 result mysqli_query mysqli result or die mysqli_error mysqli while row mysqli_fetch_array result last_msg_content..

Origin http://localhost is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.?


origin issues. php File Name proxy.php if isset _GET 'url' die url urldecode _GET 'url' url 'http ' . str_replace 'http ' ''..

jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events


reminding me use on off for event binding unbinding live die and bind unbind are deprecated. The .live method of jQuery was..

jQuery Mobile: Sending data from one page to the another


a third one is a mysql password @mysql_select_db test or die Unable to select database Connect to database called test query..

dynamic drop down box?


pword '' dbname 'test' mysql_connect server login pword or die connect_error or die mysql_error mysql_select_db dbname or die.. mysql_connect server login pword or die connect_error or die mysql_error mysql_select_db dbname or die connect_error Get.. connect_error or die mysql_error mysql_select_db dbname or die connect_error Get value posted in by ajax selStudent _POST 'theOption'..

Ajax success event not working


generated to the user without page refresh. I have put a die in my server script. how do i return this response at success..

How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP?


_GET 'msg' '' if msg '' file_put_contents filename msg die infinite loop until the data file is not modified lastmodif..

Disable jquery function after 1 click, to prevent multiple executions


this question live doesn't work with unbind you need die instead. However there is a better solution. Since you probably..

Cascade Dropdown List using jQuery/PHP


name ' cname' Order By Name ASC res mysql_query query or die mysql_error while region mysql_fetch_array res echo option value..

JQuery UI Saving Sortable List


an example con mysql_connect host username password if con die 'Could not connect ' . mysql_error mysql_select_db my_db con..

Get xpath location of element in iframe(iframe from my domain)


this .css position fixed this .css display none script ' die data Here's the HTML JavaScript DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD..

Pass variable value from JS to PHP


INSERT INTO List Username VALUES ' username' or die mysql_error if isset _POST 'Username' insert _POST 'Username'..

Server Side PHP Long polling


what I have AJAX calls SELECT FROM streamdata ORDER BY streamitem_id DESC LIMIT 1 chants mysqli_query mysqli calls or die mysqli_error mysqli streamitem_catch mysqli_fetch_array chants script type text javascript charset utf 8 function wait.. document .ready function wait script PHP if isset _POST 'streamitem_id' lastID _POST 'streamitem_id' if empty lastID die 'timeout' else following_string _SESSION 'id' result SELECT d. c. u. FROM streamdata AS d JOIN streamdata_comments AS c.. AND d.streamitem_target IN friendlist ORDER BY d.streamitem_id DESC LIMIT 1 result mysqli_query mysqli result or die mysqli_error mysqli while row mysqli_fetch_array result last_msg_content row 'streamitem_content' last_msg_id row 'streamitem_id'..

Origin http://localhost is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.?


the same domain as your website in order to avoid the cross origin issues. php File Name proxy.php if isset _GET 'url' die url urldecode _GET 'url' url 'http ' . str_replace 'http ' '' url Avoid accessing the file system echo file_get_contents..

jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events


.live .bind .delegate I forgot to mention and tnx andleer for reminding me use on off for event binding unbinding live die and bind unbind are deprecated. The .live method of jQuery was seen as a godsend when it was introduced to the API in version..

jQuery Mobile: Sending data from one page to the another


first parameter is location second is mysql username and a third one is a mysql password @mysql_select_db test or die Unable to select database Connect to database called test query SELECT FROM users WHERE user_name ' . username. ' and user_pass..

dynamic drop down box?


the usual name of the server if apache Linux. login 'root' pword '' dbname 'test' mysql_connect server login pword or die connect_error or die mysql_error mysql_select_db dbname or die connect_error Get value posted in by ajax selStudent _POST.. server if apache Linux. login 'root' pword '' dbname 'test' mysql_connect server login pword or die connect_error or die mysql_error mysql_select_db dbname or die connect_error Get value posted in by ajax selStudent _POST 'theOption' die 'You.. '' dbname 'test' mysql_connect server login pword or die connect_error or die mysql_error mysql_select_db dbname or die connect_error Get value posted in by ajax selStudent _POST 'theOption' die 'You sent ' . selStudent Run DB query query SELECT..

Ajax success event not working


the email or username is repeated then an error needs to be generated to the user without page refresh. I have put a die in my server script. how do i return this response at success event in ajax thanks.. jquery ajax success share improve..

How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP?


.' data.txt' store new message in the file msg isset _GET 'msg' _GET 'msg' '' if msg '' file_put_contents filename msg die infinite loop until the data file is not modified lastmodif isset _GET 'timestamp' _GET 'timestamp' 0 currentmodif filemtime..

Disable jquery function after 1 click, to prevent multiple executions


to do with why its not working. jquery share improve this question live doesn't work with unbind you need die instead. However there is a better solution. Since you probably want to be able to update the content more than once you..

Cascade Dropdown List using jQuery/PHP


from city where CountryCode select code from country where name ' cname' Order By Name ASC res mysql_query query or die mysql_error while region mysql_fetch_array res echo option value ' . region 'Name' . ' . region 'Name' . option Now add..

JQuery UI Saving Sortable List


id you prob jave a connection already i just added this as an example con mysql_connect host username password if con die 'Could not connect ' . mysql_error mysql_select_db my_db con mysql_query UPDATE table SET order order WHERE id id mysql_close..

Get xpath location of element in iframe(iframe from my domain)


jquery latest.js script script div .each function i if this .css position fixed this .css display none script ' die data Here's the HTML JavaScript DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml1 DTD xhtml1..

Pass variable value from JS to PHP


username username mysql_real_escape_string username query mysql_query INSERT INTO List Username VALUES ' username' or die mysql_error if isset _POST 'Username' insert _POST 'Username' Thank you for the one who can help me.. I am very new to..