

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:00

jquery Programming Glossary: difficulties

How to use jQuery Validate on DIV based select form element


library on a div based select form element. I am using the dropkick library to beautify my selects but I am having difficulties trying to validate the form due to my select elements getting re created with DIVS. select id permissionGroup class dropkick..

Differences bettween contentType and dataType in Jquery ajax function


that the request is a POST request and that the data that I am sending are the following string barapple I have some difficulties to understand what is the differences between contentType and dataType I think that contentType specify the type of data..

jQuery $.ajax() with PHP


.ajax with PHP I'm trying to use jQuery .ajax but I'm facing some difficulties. Here's the textbox field that I want to use for POST input name url class url type text Here's the code .ajax type post..

jQuery Sortable callbacks not working?


jquery jquery ui sortable share improve this question It seems that the .sortable is having some technical difficulties according to this post . You may need to use SVN to download the latest trunk release to fix it. share improve this answer..

Creating A Javascript Calendar (Full, not pop up)


A Javascript Calendar Full not pop up I'm having some difficulties creating a javascript appointment style calendar. While it does render I know there's go to be a much more efficient way..

fancybox 2.0.4 and Vimeo


2.0.4 and Vimeo i have a lot of difficulties to integrate the new fancybox V.2.0.4 g81c12d7 with the new iframe vimeo embed code. does somebody have a solutions jquery..