

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:00

jquery Programming Glossary: digging

ASP.NET: jQuery AJAX 'data' param problem


problems with this code I had spent the last 3 hours digging around and trying to find an answer. As I wasn't successful..

How to avoid locking my HTML structure when using jQuery to create rich client experiences?


on HTML selectors that no longer exist. How can I avoid digging myself into this hole every time I create a website Any articles..

It is not inserting data into database


Using Firebug I went onto the HTML and after a lot of digging and I mean a lot of digging I know what your issue is. But let.. the HTML and after a lot of digging and I mean a lot of digging I know what your issue is. But let me first say that Your Common..

Browser-friendly way to simulate anchor click with jQuery?


simulate a click on an anchor tag using jQuery. I've been digging around StackOverflow and Google for a while and haven't found..

How to manage a redirect request after a jQuery Ajax call


a little dissatisfied as it is a bit of a hack. After more digging around I ditched this approach and used JSON . In this case..

jQuery UI event and ui object properties


added by jQuery UI. If you want you can also do your own digging. Using console.log on Firefox with the Firebug and Firequery..

Catching 302 FOUND in JavaScript


call However it is a bit of a dirty hack and after much digging around I found what I think is a better solution use JSON ...

How do I access style properties of pseudo-elements with jQuery?


this is a followup to an earlier question . Rather than digging through cssRules I'd like to base the logic on jQuery selectors..

XMLHttpRequest Origin null is not allowed Access-Control-Access-Allow for file:/// to file:/// (Serverless)


access to file files via a browser switch. After some digging I found this discussion which mentions a browser switch in opening..

Change form values after submit button pressed


values after submit button pressed EDIT After a lot of digging around I found out that the problem was in how I integrated..

Changing width of jquery-ui autocomplete widgets individually


autocomplete and not the autocomplete combobox. Also digging into the autocomplete ul and matching different autocomplete..

Using jQuery to keep scrolling object within visible window


against the top of the visible window. I've tried digging into source code and scripts on this Ask screen but there's..

Catching all changes to the contents of an input box using Javascript/jQuery


up nothing. I haven't found any solutions to this after digging through a couple of related SO pages either so I'm asking here...

Dynamically control HTML5 audio with JavaScript


I've set a play button to fades in via jQuery. After some digging around Apple's Dev Center I found some native JavaScript to..

Fix for background-position in IE


position share improve this question A bit more digging about on the Interweb has revealed the answer IE doesn't understand..

Hiding _groups_ of series in Highcharts and jQuery: how to get acceptable performance?


this Or can I give jQuery a more specific selector I tried digging into the svg element created by Highcharts but I can't figure..

How to Extend Twitter Bootstrap Plugin


to Extend Twitter Bootstrap Plugin I am digging into Twitter's Bootstrap and now want to try and add some functionality..

How to call a jQuery function from .NET WebBrowser control using InvokeScript()?


exceptions but the logic in the call is not invoked. Some digging around had me trying to use eval as the call and passing the..

Custom Resizable Handles in JQuery UI


resizable share improve this question From a bit of digging I did in the jquery ui code I think I can confirm that a custom..

ASP.NET: jQuery AJAX 'data' param problem


jQuery AJAX 'data' param problem I've been having problems with this code I had spent the last 3 hours digging around and trying to find an answer. As I wasn't successful I will just post the code and ask which kind of parameters I..

How to avoid locking my HTML structure when using jQuery to create rich client experiences?


and this causes my javascript code to break because it depends on HTML selectors that no longer exist. How can I avoid digging myself into this hole every time I create a website Any articles I should read javascript jquery html dom share improve..

It is not inserting data into database


1 B php jquery html mysqli share improve this question Using Firebug I went onto the HTML and after a lot of digging and I mean a lot of digging I know what your issue is. But let me first say that Your Common Sense is right for you to understand.. share improve this question Using Firebug I went onto the HTML and after a lot of digging and I mean a lot of digging I know what your issue is. But let me first say that Your Common Sense is right for you to understand the code you need..

Browser-friendly way to simulate anchor click with jQuery?


way to simulate anchor click with jQuery I'm trying to simulate a click on an anchor tag using jQuery. I've been digging around StackOverflow and Google for a while and haven't found anything that works on all of the browsers I'm testing. So..

How to manage a redirect request after a jQuery Ajax call


handling the redirects. Even though this worked I was a little dissatisfied as it is a bit of a hack. After more digging around I ditched this approach and used JSON . In this case all responses to ajax requests have the status code 200 and..

jQuery UI event and ui object properties


event that is fired while the ui object contains information added by jQuery UI. If you want you can also do your own digging. Using console.log on Firefox with the Firebug and Firequery add ons you can look at the insides of both objects. For instance..

Catching 302 FOUND in JavaScript


199099 how to manage a redirect request after a jquery ajax call However it is a bit of a dirty hack and after much digging around I found what I think is a better solution use JSON . In this case you can make all responses to ajax requests have..

How do I access style properties of pseudo-elements with jQuery?


style properties of pseudo elements with jQuery For context this is a followup to an earlier question . Rather than digging through cssRules I'd like to base the logic on jQuery selectors that search for the effects of those rules. Given default..

XMLHttpRequest Origin null is not allowed Access-Control-Access-Allow for file:/// to file:/// (Serverless)


running a local webserver is not an option you can allow Chrome access to file files via a browser switch. After some digging I found this discussion which mentions a browser switch in opening post. Run your Chrome instance with chrome.exe allow..

Change form values after submit button pressed


form values after submit button pressed EDIT After a lot of digging around I found out that the problem was in how I integrated the CKEditor into my page. The simple and obvious way does work..

Changing width of jquery-ui autocomplete widgets individually


issue is different from this one since I'm using just the default autocomplete and not the autocomplete combobox. Also digging into the autocomplete ul and matching different autocomplete box widths with the values inside the list doesn't work either..

Using jQuery to keep scrolling object within visible window


stops scrolling and starts to act as if its positioned absolutely against the top of the visible window. I've tried digging into source code and scripts on this Ask screen but there's so much going on that it's pretty much impossible for me at..

Catching all changes to the contents of an input box using Javascript/jQuery


be bad at wording my Google searches but so far they've turned up nothing. I haven't found any solutions to this after digging through a couple of related SO pages either so I'm asking here. Is there an event binding for this that I don't know of..

Dynamically control HTML5 audio with JavaScript


each represent one song. To control the playback of each I've set a play button to fades in via jQuery. After some digging around Apple's Dev Center I found some native JavaScript to control audio. It works beautifully but is written for control..

Fix for background-position in IE


or anything else. javascript jquery internet explorer background position share improve this question A bit more digging about on the Interweb has revealed the answer IE doesn't understand the selector background position . It understands the..

Hiding _groups_ of series in Highcharts and jQuery: how to get acceptable performance?


Are there some built in Highcharts methods that already do this Or can I give jQuery a more specific selector I tried digging into the svg element created by Highcharts but I can't figure out which child elements correspond to the series in the chart...

How to Extend Twitter Bootstrap Plugin


to Extend Twitter Bootstrap Plugin I am digging into Twitter's Bootstrap and now want to try and add some functionality to the plugins but I can't figure out how to do..

How to call a jQuery function from .NET WebBrowser control using InvokeScript()?


params did not work. I don't get any observable errors or exceptions but the logic in the call is not invoked. Some digging around had me trying to use eval as the call and passing the function name and parameters as the string to eval . That didn't..

Custom Resizable Handles in JQuery UI


very much appreciated. jquery html jquery ui user interface resizable share improve this question From a bit of digging I did in the jquery ui code I think I can confirm that a custom handle outside the resizable element doesn't work. The problem..