

2014/10/16 €W€È 12:02:59

jquery Programming Glossary: differ

Populate Select box options on click with Javascript/Jquery with Json data


as the way to do it. Clearly your application needs may differ greatly from mine. Consistency more than any particular structure..

A good Text-to-Speech JavaScript library [closed]


because legally blind and what you may think is blind can differ and not everyone knows Braille. The benefits I saw of Jtalk..

pipe() and then() documentation vs reality in jQuery 1.8


Promise API for a bit and I'm very confused about the differences between pipe and then philosophically and in the jQuery.. promise.then Yet the documentation is completely different for pipe and then as they supposedly have entirely different.. for pipe and then as they supposedly have entirely different uses. Description for then Description Add handlers to be..

How to make a “tags box” using jQuery (with text input field + tags separated by comma)


would still be the same only the view to the user would differ. An example would be such as YouTube or StackOverflow for now..

What does “async: false” do in jQuery.ajax()?


false&rdquo do in jQuery.ajax Specifically how does it differ from the default async true In what circumstances would I want..

Difference between HTMLCollection, NodeLists, and arrays of objects


arrays when it comes to DOM. For instance... What is the difference between document.getElementsByTagName td and td #myTable.. share improve this question First I will explain the difference between NodeList and HTMLCollection . Both interfaces are.. . Both interfaces are collections of DOM nodes. They differ in the methods they provide and in the type of nodes they can..

Get the offset position of the caret in a textarea in pixels


I compare the top values between these two span 's if they differ there was some wrapping going on so I assume that the top and..

Designing data in $.ajax to match server side model definition


public IEnumerable Guid Blobb get set I've tried to use different bracket types apostrophes and such enclosing the guids on.. Ids subIds Amounts null Note that the Amounts will differ from null but that headache I haven't even got to yet. Edit..

Loading alternative content via tabs and jQuery and JSP


associated tab. When a user clicks on another tab then a different table of data is displayed. I thought about exporting the.. even reuse the same table for display if that doesn't differ that much. Just do a '#table' .empty beforehand to get rid of..

jquery $(window).width() and $(window).height() return different values when viewport has not been resized


window .width and window .height return different values when viewport has not been resized I am writing a.. In troubleshooting I discovered that I am getting slightly different viewport size reports in repeated calls to the above jquery.. of when this happens or if this is just the way it is. The difference in sizes reported are 20px or less it appears. It happens..

Using JQuery UI to convert radio buttons into slider elements


structure of one option I'm not sure how your questions differ do they all have 3 options so the styling would vary just trying..

ajax submit multiple forms via jquery


input goes to which form without making the input names differ remember it needs to do so via Ajax thanks in advance jquery..

Is ID selector faster than class selector when it is cached in jquery


I cache the selector When the selector is cached would it differ in speed if it ™s a class selector or will it be as fast as the..

How to check if jQuery.ajax() request header Status is “304 Not Modified”?


the cache information known by your JavaScript code may differ in unpredictable ways. However getting 304 requests correctly..

Can javascript access iframe elements from the parent page?


iframe on a page the iframe and the parent page are in different domain can a javascript code on the parent page access elements.. question It should not be able to if the pages are from different domains the browsers security sandbox should prevent this.. type of access. It might work when the two pages are from different sub domains of the same domain but that can and will differ..

Best cross-browser method to capture CTRL+S with JQuery?


S pressed event.preventDefault return false Key codes can differ between browsers so you may need to check for more than just..

Difference between $(window).width() vs $(document).width()


window .width vs document .width What is the major difference between window .width vs document .width in jQuery Whether.. of your HTML page is a third value. 'body' .width can also differ from the other two try body margin 100px for example . share..

When should I use jQuery deferred's “then” method and when should I use the “pipe” method?


so the latter must add some extra benefit but what the difference precisely is eludes me. Both take pretty much the same callback.. take pretty much the same callback parameters though they differ in name and the difference between returning a Deferred and.. callback parameters though they differ in name and the difference between returning a Deferred and returning a Promise seems..

Populate Select box options on click with Javascript/Jquery with Json data


A good Text-to-Speech JavaScript library [closed]


suggest you use JTtalk. It depends what your target crowd is because legally blind and what you may think is blind can differ and not everyone knows Braille. The benefits I saw of Jtalk really relied on the examples it had and how well they worked...

pipe() and then() documentation vs reality in jQuery 1.8


accurate and up to date. I've been exploring the jQuery Deferred Promise API for a bit and I'm very confused about the differences between pipe and then philosophically and in the jQuery documentation. I've found that pipe is just an alias for then.. jQuery 1.8. From jQuery source Keep pipe for back compat promise.pipe promise.then Yet the documentation is completely different for pipe and then as they supposedly have entirely different uses. Description for then Description Add handlers to be.. promise.then Yet the documentation is completely different for pipe and then as they supposedly have entirely different uses. Description for then Description Add handlers to be called when the Deferred object is resolved or rejected. Description..

How to make a “tags box” using jQuery (with text input field + tags separated by comma)


a tag if its separated by a comma and the text field value would still be the same only the view to the user would differ. An example would be such as YouTube or StackOverflow for now I don't need it to check a database or anything. Thanks javascript..

What does “async: false” do in jQuery.ajax()?


does &ldquo async false&rdquo do in jQuery.ajax Specifically how does it differ from the default async true In what circumstances would I want to explicit set async to false and does it have something..

Difference between HTMLCollection, NodeLists, and arrays of objects


I've always been confused between HTMLCollections objects and arrays when it comes to DOM. For instance... What is the difference between document.getElementsByTagName td and td #myTable and td are objects jQuery objects . Why is console.log also.. td21 td td td22 td tr table body html javascript jquery dom share improve this question First I will explain the difference between NodeList and HTMLCollection . Both interfaces are collections of DOM nodes. They differ in the methods they.. I will explain the difference between NodeList and HTMLCollection . Both interfaces are collections of DOM nodes. They differ in the methods they provide and in the type of nodes they can contain. While a NodeList can contain any node type an HTMLCollection..

Get the offset position of the caret in a textarea in pixels


the one directly after the caret position in a span . Now I compare the top values between these two span 's if they differ there was some wrapping going on so I assume that the top and the left value of the #nextword span are equivalent to the..

Designing data in $.ajax to match server side model definition


model is like this. public class Thingy public Guid Id get set public IEnumerable Guid Blobb get set I've tried to use different bracket types apostrophes and such enclosing the guids on client side. To no avail. What can I have forgotten Edit I.. submission.input.push Id cb684cb0 a5a4 4158 ac07 adff49c0c30f Ids subIds Amounts null Note that the Amounts will differ from null but that headache I haven't even got to yet. Edit 2 New try a simpler approach. In JS I send the following. var..

Loading alternative content via tabs and jQuery and JSP


relating to relevant policy type is displayed beneath the associated tab. When a user clicks on another tab then a different table of data is displayed. I thought about exporting the data from the database then converting this to XML and therefore.. You can use this in the click event of any tab. You could even reuse the same table for display if that doesn't differ that much. Just do a '#table' .empty beforehand to get rid of all rows. Edit I overlooked one important consideration but..

jquery $(window).width() and $(window).height() return different values when viewport has not been resized


window .width and window .height return different values when viewport has not been resized I am writing a site using jquery that repeatedly calls window .width and window.. to position and size elements based on the viewport size. In troubleshooting I discovered that I am getting slightly different viewport size reports in repeated calls to the above jquery functions when the viewport is not resized. Wondering if.. Wondering if there is any special case anyone knows of when this happens or if this is just the way it is. The difference in sizes reported are 20px or less it appears. It happens in Safari 4.0.4 Firefox 3.6.2 and Chrome 5.0.342.7 beta on..

Using JQuery UI to convert radio buttons into slider elements


radio button share improve this question Here's the basic structure of one option I'm not sure how your questions differ do they all have 3 options so the styling would vary just trying to demonstrate the concept. I'm not sure what each question..

ajax submit multiple forms via jquery


any other format so that processor.php can distinguish which input goes to which form without making the input names differ remember it needs to do so via Ajax thanks in advance jquery ajax forms submit share improve this question Why don't..

Is ID selector faster than class selector when it is cached in jquery


is a faster selector than class in Javascript. But what if I cache the selector When the selector is cached would it differ in speed if it ™s a class selector or will it be as fast as the id selector Example div class myclass gt div div id myid..

How to check if jQuery.ajax() request header Status is “304 Not Modified”?


because the cache information known by your browser and the cache information known by your JavaScript code may differ in unpredictable ways. However getting 304 requests correctly most of the time is good enough for most practical development..

Can javascript access iframe elements from the parent page?


javascript access iframe elements from the parent page I have iframe on a page the iframe and the parent page are in different domain can a javascript code on the parent page access elements inside this iframe javascript jquery html share improve.. this iframe javascript jquery html share improve this question It should not be able to if the pages are from different domains the browsers security sandbox should prevent this type of access. It might work when the two pages are from different.. domains the browsers security sandbox should prevent this type of access. It might work when the two pages are from different sub domains of the same domain but that can and will differ between browsers and possibly even versions of the same browser..

Best cross-browser method to capture CTRL+S with JQuery?


Difference between $(window).width() vs $(document).width()


between window .width vs document .width What is the major difference between window .width vs document .width in jQuery Whether window denotes the browser and document represents the body..

When should I use jQuery deferred's “then” method and when should I use the “pipe” method?


rejected. I know then has been around a little longer than pipe so the latter must add some extra benefit but what the difference precisely is eludes me. Both take pretty much the same callback parameters though they differ in name and the difference.. benefit but what the difference precisely is eludes me. Both take pretty much the same callback parameters though they differ in name and the difference between returning a Deferred and returning a Promise seems slight. I've read the official docs.. precisely is eludes me. Both take pretty much the same callback parameters though they differ in name and the difference between returning a Deferred and returning a Promise seems slight. I've read the official docs over and over but always..