

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:00

jquery Programming Glossary: difficulty

How do I get jQuery's Uploadify plugin to work with ASP.NET MVC?


and my Upload Action. The main problem is I'm having difficulty getting this action to fire to receive the file. I've set a..

JQuery - $.when syntax for array of Deferred objects


It is the first time I am using .when and I am having difficulty with the syntax. I have code similar to simplified example below... like to write the .when statement as follows but having difficulty getting the syntax right. .when getCustomerDataCalls customerIds..

making a simple jQuery slider


I've got myself familiar with the code but am having difficulty getting to grips with the syntax. I am therefore coming here..

jQuery ajax seems to alter SVG data sent to coldfusion server


I've used jQuery's ajax method several times without much difficulty. I'm doing something wrong here and I can't seem to get a handle..

How to handle nested CompositeView using Backbone.Marionette?


as headers buttons and so on. However I'm having a lot of difficulty nesting CompositeViews inside one another. Using the standard..

Javascript Highlight Selected Range Button


in an unordered list along with half of the second I have difficulty applying the style. I can't just wrap the selection with a span..

Updating jQuery Tablesorter plugin after removing a row from DOM


removes it using the .remove function. However I'm having difficulty is making it remain deleted as everytime i refresh the table..

Problem with jQuery.ajax with 'delete' method in ie


quizId send ajax call to back end to change the difficulty of the quiz question back end will then refresh the relevant..

jQuery won't parse my JSON from AJAX query


won't parse my JSON from AJAX query I'm having difficulty parsing some JSON data returned from my server using jQuery.ajax..

jQuery JSON response always triggers a ParseError


basic operations with jQuery and JSON. Presently having difficulty with jQuery accepting JSON response from my play framework application...

How to check if jQuery.ajax() request header Status is “304 Not Modified”?


Fri 15 Feb 2013 13 43 19 GMT xhr.send One fundamental difficulty is how do you know what last modified date or ETag to send The..

Increase font size with JavaScript around fixed floated images in CSS columns


should go to next column. Please help me to overcome this difficulty. html head style type text css div#multicolumn4 moz column width..

Javascript Date Localization


app with localization and globalization. I'm having some difficulty understanding how to get the Date function in javascript to..

.prop() vs .attr()


. John Resig also blogged about it . I can see the difficulty they were in but still disagree with his recommendation to prefer..

JSONP request returning error: “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :”


wraps the data to be sent in a call to that function. The difficulty you had here is with the StackOverflow API. Conventionally you..

JQuery $.each() JSON array object iteration


.each JSON array object iteration I am having some real difficulty attempting to solve a JQuery .each iteration This is my array..

jquery binding events to dynamically loaded html elements


page this is done inside document.ready function. Now my difficulty is i have some elements like links etc loaded later using ajax..

How to include JavaScript files by h:outputScript?


JSF for client side form validation. I am finding basic difficulty in importing the resources. In my JSF page I have h outputScript..

Calling function after .load (Jquery)


function after .load Jquery Having a little difficulty getting a function to call after a .load function 'a.pageFetcher'..

How do I get jQuery's Uploadify plugin to work with ASP.NET MVC?


is set to my Placement Upload which is my Placement Controller and my Upload Action. The main problem is I'm having difficulty getting this action to fire to receive the file. I've set a breakpoint on that action and when I select a file to upload..

JQuery - $.when syntax for array of Deferred objects


.when syntax for array of Deferred objects It is the first time I am using .when and I am having difficulty with the syntax. I have code similar to simplified example below. It works if I haven't caused an error when I simplified.. function defer doSomeWork id defer .promise I would like to write the .when statement as follows but having difficulty getting the syntax right. .when getCustomerDataCalls customerIds .then function alert 'success' .fail function alert 'error'..

making a simple jQuery slider


for my website. Using Codeacademy's and the jQuery API library I've got myself familiar with the code but am having difficulty getting to grips with the syntax. I am therefore coming here to seek help by means of somebody spell checking my efforts...

jQuery ajax seems to alter SVG data sent to coldfusion server


input output outputStream.close cfscript I've used jQuery's ajax method several times without much difficulty. I'm doing something wrong here and I can't seem to get a handle on it... jquery ajax coldfusion svg batik share improve..

How to handle nested CompositeView using Backbone.Marionette?


with the addition of added fluff around them such as headers buttons and so on. However I'm having a lot of difficulty nesting CompositeViews inside one another. Using the standard itemView property on a CompositeView to render another CompositeView..

Javascript Highlight Selected Range Button


selection is across multiple tags for instance the first LI in an unordered list along with half of the second I have difficulty applying the style. I can't just wrap the selection with a span here unfortunately. Basically I want the effects associated..

Updating jQuery Tablesorter plugin after removing a row from DOM


code at the moment that hides a row that is deleted and then removes it using the .remove function. However I'm having difficulty is making it remain deleted as everytime i refresh the table sorted pager plugin or the filter plugin addon I'm using....

Problem with jQuery.ajax with 'delete' method in ie


delete action fails in ie function deleteQuizQuestion quizQuestionId quizId send ajax call to back end to change the difficulty of the quiz question back end will then refresh the relevant parts of the page progress bars flashes quiz status jQuery.ajax..

jQuery won't parse my JSON from AJAX query


won't parse my JSON from AJAX query I'm having difficulty parsing some JSON data returned from my server using jQuery.ajax To perform the AJAX I'm using .ajax url myUrl cache false..

jQuery JSON response always triggers a ParseError


always triggers a ParseError I am trying to preform some basic operations with jQuery and JSON. Presently having difficulty with jQuery accepting JSON response from my play framework application. Below is a simplified version of the code that still..

How to check if jQuery.ajax() request header Status is “304 Not Modified”?


xhr.open GET foo.html xhr.setRequestHeader If Modified Since Fri 15 Feb 2013 13 43 19 GMT xhr.send One fundamental difficulty is how do you know what last modified date or ETag to send The browser has cache information that it uses for sending requests..

Increase font size with JavaScript around fixed floated images in CSS columns


text size has increased and if the text has overflowed it should go to next column. Please help me to overcome this difficulty. html head style type text css div#multicolumn4 moz column width 150px moz column gap 20px webkit column width 250px webkit..

Javascript Date Localization


Date Localization I'm working with an ASP.NET app with localization and globalization. I'm having some difficulty understanding how to get the Date function in javascript to work properly given the user's environment. My user base is..

.prop() vs .attr()


not exactly the same as its old behaviour for Boolean attributes . John Resig also blogged about it . I can see the difficulty they were in but still disagree with his recommendation to prefer attr . Original answer If you've only ever used jQuery..

JSONP request returning error: “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :”


what that function is called the server can pass code that wraps the data to be sent in a call to that function. The difficulty you had here is with the StackOverflow API. Conventionally you would use the callback argument in your request to tell the..

JQuery $.each() JSON array object iteration


.each JSON array object iteration I am having some real difficulty attempting to solve a JQuery .each iteration This is my array limiting results for convenience GROUP_ID 143 GROUP_TYPE 2011..

jquery binding events to dynamically loaded html elements


we can attach event handlers to the elements present in page this is done inside document.ready function. Now my difficulty is i have some elements like links etc loaded later using ajax request after document is downloaded . So those new elements..

How to include JavaScript files by h:outputScript?


by h outputScript I want to use jQuery Validate plugin with JSF for client side form validation. I am finding basic difficulty in importing the resources. In my JSF page I have h outputScript library js name jquery 1.6.2.js h outputScript h outputScript..

Calling function after .load (Jquery)


function after .load Jquery Having a little difficulty getting a function to call after a .load function 'a.pageFetcher' .click function '#main' .load this .attr 'rel' The page..