

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:03:00

jquery Programming Glossary: directly

jQuery $(this) vs this


of each li element. In the second example we use this directly when resetting the form. this seems to be used a lot more often.. function whereas in the second example reset can be called directly on the form. Basically we need for special jQuery only functions...

What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS?


is based on not in CSS3 I was thinking I could place it directly in my stylesheet so I wouldn't have to rely on an extra class.. not selector First and foremost to answer the question directly you can't pass a comma separated selector list. 1 For example..

Jquery .on() method not working on dynamic content


have to add the selector parameter otherwise the event is directly bound doesn't work for dynamically loaded content instead of..

jQuery: How to position one element relative to another?


and padding. var width this .outerWidth show the menu directly over the placeholder #menu .css position absolute top pos.top..

Stop jQuery .load response from being cached


response and it had the correct code and visiting the page directly showed the correct result but the output returned by .load was..

Is there a case insensitive jQuery :contains selector?


m 3 .toUpperCase 0 Edit Apparently accessing the DOM directly by using a.textContent a.innerText instead of jQuery a .text..

Event binding on dynamically created elements?


to see if anyone knows a way to do this either with jQuery directly or by another option. I can provide a code example if anyone..

XmlHttpRequest error: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin


Control Allow Origin. If I query that URL from a browser directly it works fine. What is going on and can I get around this Am..

Download a file by jQuery.Ajax


do it through Ajax because JavaScript cannot save files directly to a user's computer out of security concerns . Unfortunately..

When to use Vanilla JavaScript vs. jQuery?


'someName' ...in order to access an attribute directly. Note that attributes are not the same as properties though..

jQuery autocomplete tagging plug-in like StackOverflow's input tags? [closed]


seen any that handle multiple words. Also should I link directly to Google's hosted code for jQuery jquery autocomplete tags..

.prop() vs .attr()


answer If you've only ever used jQuery and not the DOM directly this could be a confusing change although it is definitely an..

Can't append <script> element


some browsers don't respect some changes when you do them directly by which I mean creating the HTML from text like you're trying..

Insert html at caret in a contenteditable div


question which inserts text at the cursor I would like to directly insert html for brevity we'll say its a br tag. Using the answer..

How to select PrimeFaces UI or JSF components using jQuery?


the HTML DOM tree in the client side. jQuery doesn't work directly on JSF components as you've written in the JSF source code but.. as you've written in the JSF source code but jQuery works directly with the HTML DOM tree which is generated by those JSF components...

Direct vs. Delegated - jQuery .on()


. The handler is not called when the event occurs directly on the bound element but only for descendants inner elements.. the instruction and won't respond to clicks. Each span is directly responsible for its own events. In case 2 only the container..

jQuery $(this) vs this


in the first example we use this to append some text inside of each li element. In the second example we use this directly when resetting the form. this seems to be used a lot more often than this . My guess is in the first example is converting.. element into a jQuery object which understands the append function whereas in the second example reset can be called directly on the form. Basically we need for special jQuery only functions. Is this correct javascript jquery this share improve..

What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS?


jsFiddle preview But seeing as the not selector in jQuery is based on not in CSS3 I was thinking I could place it directly in my stylesheet so I wouldn't have to rely on an extra class added using jQuery. Besides I'm not really interested in supporting.. are the differences between jQuery's not selector and CSS3's not selector First and foremost to answer the question directly you can't pass a comma separated selector list. 1 For example while the given selector works in jQuery as demonstrated in..

Jquery .on() method not working on dynamic content


content static content share improve this question You have to add the selector parameter otherwise the event is directly bound doesn't work for dynamically loaded content instead of delegated. See http api.jquery.com on #direct and delegated..

jQuery: How to position one element relative to another?


var pos this .position .outerWidth takes into account border and padding. var width this .outerWidth show the menu directly over the placeholder #menu .css position absolute top pos.top px left pos.left width px .show But it doesn't work This will..

Stop jQuery .load response from being cached


I looked at the underlying PHP code that controls the ajax response and it had the correct code and visiting the page directly showed the correct result but the output returned by .load was old. If I close the browser and reopen it it works once and..

Is there a case insensitive jQuery :contains selector?


function a i m return jQuery a .text .toUpperCase .indexOf m 3 .toUpperCase 0 Edit Apparently accessing the DOM directly by using a.textContent a.innerText instead of jQuery a .text In the previous expression speeds it up considerably so try..

Event binding on dynamically created elements?


before I add another 5k to my pages with a plugin I want to see if anyone knows a way to do this either with jQuery directly or by another option. I can provide a code example if anyone needs it. jquery events share improve this question Deprecated..

XmlHttpRequest error: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin


miny 0 maxx 0 maxy 150 . Origin null is not allowed by Access Control Allow Origin. If I query that URL from a browser directly it works fine. What is going on and can I get around this Am I composing my query incorrectly or is this something that..

Download a file by jQuery.Ajax


question Bluish is completely right about this you can't do it through Ajax because JavaScript cannot save files directly to a user's computer out of security concerns . Unfortunately pointing the main window's URL at your file download means..

When to use Vanilla JavaScript vs. jQuery?


of covered it. See this answer for a better treatment. el.getAttribute 'someName' ...in order to access an attribute directly. Note that attributes are not the same as properties though they mirror each other sometimes . Of course there's setAttribute..

jQuery autocomplete tagging plug-in like StackOverflow's input tags? [closed]


tags There are plugins that can handle one word but I haven't seen any that handle multiple words. Also should I link directly to Google's hosted code for jQuery jquery autocomplete tags share improve this question Excellent plugin for adding..

.prop() vs .attr()


disagree with his recommendation to prefer attr . Original answer If you've only ever used jQuery and not the DOM directly this could be a confusing change although it is definitely an improvement conceptually. Not so good for the bazillions of..

Can't append <script> element


share improve this question I've seen issues where some browsers don't respect some changes when you do them directly by which I mean creating the HTML from text like you're trying with the script tag but when you do them with built in commands..

Insert html at caret in a contenteditable div


when the enter key is pressed. Similar to this question which inserts text at the cursor I would like to directly insert html for brevity we'll say its a br tag. Using the answer to the question above actually works in IE as it uses the..

How to select PrimeFaces UI or JSF components using jQuery?


this question You should realize that jQuery works with the HTML DOM tree in the client side. jQuery doesn't work directly on JSF components as you've written in the JSF source code but jQuery works directly with the HTML DOM tree which is generated.. client side. jQuery doesn't work directly on JSF components as you've written in the JSF source code but jQuery works directly with the HTML DOM tree which is generated by those JSF components. You need to open the page in webbrowser and rightclick..

Direct vs. Delegated - jQuery .on()


a selector is provided the event handler is referred to as delegated . The handler is not called when the event occurs directly on the bound element but only for descendants inner elements that match the selector. jQuery bubbles the event from the.. instructions. If new spans get created they won't have heard the instruction and won't respond to clicks. Each span is directly responsible for its own events. In case 2 only the container has been given the instruction it is responsible for noticing..