

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:02:59

jquery Programming Glossary: different

jQuery CSS plugin that returns computed style of element to pseudo clone that element?


I want to pseudo clone certain elements but use a different tag . For example I have an li element that I want to hide and..

What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS?


.beta .gamma ' .addClass 'unassigned' Then I apply some different rules to that class #sectors div.unassigned color #808080 background..

Submit a form using jQuery


the submit method to at that site. For AJAX there are many different possibilities though you probably want to use either the ajax..

Variable doesn't get returned from AJAX function


notice test and test is empty... I already tried different ways for writing but I guess i missunderstood the possibilities..

Events triggered by dynamically generated element are not captured by event handler


version 1.6 or below note the selector and event are in a different order than above '#modal' .delegate 'input' 'keyup' function..

jQuery 1.9 .live() is not a function [closed]


replace the keyword live with on as the parameters are different. .live events function should map to .on eventType selector..

jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events


multiple event binding triggering jQuery Mobile works in a different way then classic web applications. Depending on how you managed..

How to set/unset cookie with jQuery?


specify the path parameter if the cookie was created on a different path to the current one var cookieValue .cookie test path '..

jQuery “Please Wait, Loading…” animation? [duplicate]


share improve this question You could do this various different ways. It could be a subtle as a small status on the page saying..

What is the most efficient way to create HTML elements using jQuery?


the element itself. You should really run benchmarks with different Javascript engines and weigh your audience with the results...

jqGrid: Disable form fields when editing


for sells vending towers and there are several types different sizes and stuff of these towers. When a new tower is added to.. this question You can implement your requirements in different ways. For example inside of beforeShowForm event you can hide..

jQuery AJAX cross domain


or web server it works and alert Success If it is on different sides I mean testserver.php in web server and test.php on localhost..

What is the need of JSF. When UI can be achieved from css html javascript jQuery?


and provides some UI components. But how is it better or different from number of components that can are available from extjs..

Browser Memory Usage Comparison: inline onClick vs. using JQuery .bind()


elements on a page that have click events tied to them 4 different types of buttons with 100 instances of each each type's click.. type's click events performing the same function but with different parameters . I need to minimize any impacts on performance that..

Direct vs. Delegated - jQuery .on()


this .attr class is clicked Maybe someone could refer to a different example to clarify this point Thanks. javascript jquery event..

Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin


a local file browser or similar . Different browsers take different approaches to applying the Same Origin Policy to local files...

how to bind fancybox to dynamic added element?


any fancybox option as you need. Additionally you may have different scripts for different type of content inside the on method like.. you need. Additionally you may have different scripts for different type of content inside the on method like #container .on focusin..

Jquery Mobile Same Footer on Different Pages


Mobile Same Footer on Different Pages I want to have the same header and footer on all pages..

jQuery draggable option elements


this isn't possible with the native drop down boxes. Different browsers may create a select tags in different ways. For example..

Different forms of $(document).ready


forms of document .ready I have seen people writing document..

Is it expected that jQuery $('span').html() turns XHTML br tag to html syntax?


Changing Ad Size Based on Browser Width in DFP


are specified in this line googletag.defineSlot ' 16569348 Different Sizes Unit Test' 292 195 310 207 345 230 'div gpt ad 1363309773051.. function googletag.defineSlot ' 16569348 Different Sizes Unit Test' 292 195 310 207 345 230 'div gpt ad 1363309773051.. .enableSingleRequest googletag.enableServices script Different Sizes Unit Test div id 'div gpt ad 1363309773051 0' script type..

Strange behaviour on Google Chart


source is url api v1 ... format json period__gte 2012 12 . Different year. I build json file 'manually' and the charts produced with..

Scrape an HTML Document with jQuery, is it possible?


but the differences in browser .innerHTML implementation. Different browsers handle this in different ways for example in Opera..

JQuery is waiting for images to load before executing document.ready


_3.jpg img src PATH_TO_DYNAMIC_IMAGE _4.jpg body Different versions of JQuery had different results What happens in version..

jQuery change button text


.prop 'value' 'Save' versions newer than 1.6 Different button types button id 'btnAddProfile' type 'button' Add button..

What is an easing function?


value of a property given a percentage of completeness. Different frameworks use slightly different variations but the concept..

Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin


double clicking it in a local file browser or similar . Different browsers take different approaches to applying the Same Origin..

jquery select divs with same id


selectors share improve this question I would use Different IDs but assign each DIV the same class. div id c 1 class countdown..

jQuery CSS plugin that returns computed style of element to pseudo clone that element?


a plugin and post it with all the properties that I use. Basically I want to pseudo clone certain elements but use a different tag . For example I have an li element that I want to hide and put an input element over it that looks the same. When the..

What's the difference in the :not() selector between jQuery and CSS?


of the classes alpha beta or gamma '#sectors div not .alpha .beta .gamma ' .addClass 'unassigned' Then I apply some different rules to that class #sectors div.unassigned color #808080 background color #e9e9e9 opacity 0.5 #sectors div.unassigned after..

Submit a form using jQuery


with examples. For submitting a form normally check out the submit method to at that site. For AJAX there are many different possibilities though you probably want to use either the ajax or post methods. Note that post is really just a convenient..

Variable doesn't get returned from AJAX function


So and here is the execution part var test get_data data destination notice test and test is empty... I already tried different ways for writing but I guess i missunderstood the possibilities of js javascript jquery ajax share improve this question..

Events triggered by dynamically generated element are not captured by event handler


this .val name this .attr 'name' Or in older versions If version 1.6 or below note the selector and event are in a different order than above '#modal' .delegate 'input' 'keyup' function handler this .val name this .attr 'name' share improve this..

jQuery 1.9 .live() is not a function [closed]


and replace For quick hot fixes on a live site do not just replace the keyword live with on as the parameters are different. .live events function should map to .on eventType selector function The selector is very important If you do not need to..

jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events


page transition can occur. Here's a working example Prevent multiple event binding triggering jQuery Mobile works in a different way then classic web applications. Depending on how you managed to bind your events each time you visit some page it will..

How to set/unset cookie with jQuery?


jQuery “Please Wait, Loading…” animation? [duplicate]


Please wait loading animation plugin jquery animation share improve this question You could do this various different ways. It could be a subtle as a small status on the page saying Loading... or as loud as an entire element graying out the..

What is the most efficient way to create HTML elements using jQuery?


jqGrid: Disable form fields when editing


be hidden and or disabled . Example The company I'm working for sells vending towers and there are several types different sizes and stuff of these towers. When a new tower is added to a location and entered into the system the type must be set... solutions Thanks jquery jqgrid editing share improve this question You can implement your requirements in different ways. For example inside of beforeShowForm event you can hide or show the jQuery #list .jqGrid colModel name 'Name' width..

jQuery AJAX cross domain


problem When both of these files on same server either localhost or web server it works and alert Success If it is on different sides I mean testserver.php in web server and test.php on localhost its not working alert Error is executing. Even if url..

What is the need of JSF. When UI can be achieved from css html javascript jQuery?


jQuery I was reading about JSF that its a UI framework and provides some UI components. But how is it better or different from number of components that can are available from extjs or jQuery or combination of css and html and js. Why should..

Browser Memory Usage Comparison: inline onClick vs. using JQuery .bind()


Comparison inline onClick vs. using JQuery .bind I have ~400 elements on a page that have click events tied to them 4 different types of buttons with 100 instances of each each type's click events performing the same function but with different parameters.. 4 different types of buttons with 100 instances of each each type's click events performing the same function but with different parameters . I need to minimize any impacts on performance that this may have. What kind of performance hit am I taking..

Direct vs. Delegated - jQuery .on()


clicked or div#target .on click span.green function alert this .attr class is clicked Maybe someone could refer to a different example to clarify this point Thanks. javascript jquery event bubbling share improve this question Case 1 direct div#target..

Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin


the load call via a file URL e.g. just double clicking it in a local file browser or similar . Different browsers take different approaches to applying the Same Origin Policy to local files. My guess is that you're seeing this using Chrome. Chrome's..

how to bind fancybox to dynamic added element?


API options here 'padding' 0 fancybox on You can apply any fancybox option as you need. Additionally you may have different scripts for different type of content inside the on method like #container .on focusin function a.ajaxFancyBox .fancybox.. 'padding' 0 fancybox on You can apply any fancybox option as you need. Additionally you may have different scripts for different type of content inside the on method like #container .on focusin function a.ajaxFancyBox .fancybox fancybox API options..

Jquery Mobile Same Footer on Different Pages


Mobile Same Footer on Different Pages I want to have the same header and footer on all pages on my jquery mobile app and control it using a different file..

jQuery draggable option elements


to a form. jquery share improve this question I'm afraid this isn't possible with the native drop down boxes. Different browsers may create a select tags in different ways. For example mobile devices are likely to do something completely different..

Different forms of $(document).ready


forms of document .ready I have seen people writing document .ready function and some writing function What's the difference..

Is it expected that jQuery $('span').html() turns XHTML br tag to html syntax?


Changing Ad Size Based on Browser Width in DFP


sizes just example sizes but anyways the three ad sizes are specified in this line googletag.defineSlot ' 16569348 Different Sizes Unit Test' 292 195 310 207 345 230 'div gpt ad 1363309773051 0' .addService googletag.pubads Here is the full code.. gads node script script type 'text javascript' googletag.cmd.push function googletag.defineSlot ' 16569348 Different Sizes Unit Test' 292 195 310 207 345 230 'div gpt ad 1363309773051 0' .addService googletag.pubads googletag.pubads .enableSingleRequest.. ad 1363309773051 0' .addService googletag.pubads googletag.pubads .enableSingleRequest googletag.enableServices script Different Sizes Unit Test div id 'div gpt ad 1363309773051 0' script type 'text javascript' googletag.cmd.push function googletag.display..

Strange behaviour on Google Chart


format json period__gte 2013 6 if interval is 12 your data source is url api v1 ... format json period__gte 2012 12 . Different year. I build json file 'manually' and the charts produced with your code have the same data so the problem is on the other..

Scrape an HTML Document with jQuery, is it possible?


improve this question The problem isn't in jQuery exactly but the differences in browser .innerHTML implementation. Different browsers handle this in different ways for example in Opera your example works fine Firefox can work with adjusting in IE8..

JQuery is waiting for images to load before executing document.ready


img src PATH_TO_DYNAMIC_IMAGE _2.jpg img src PATH_TO_DYNAMIC_IMAGE _3.jpg img src PATH_TO_DYNAMIC_IMAGE _4.jpg body Different versions of JQuery had different results What happens in version 1.2.6 is that alert box is shown instantly and then I see..

jQuery change button text


1.6 input type 'button' value 'Add' id 'btnAddProfile' #btnAddProfile .prop 'value' 'Save' versions newer than 1.6 Different button types button id 'btnAddProfile' type 'button' Add button #btnAddProfile .html 'Save' Your button could also be a..

What is an easing function?


An easing function is usually a function that describes the value of a property given a percentage of completeness. Different frameworks use slightly different variations but the concept is easy to grasp once you get the idea but it's probably best..

Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin


the HTML page that does the load call via a file URL e.g. just double clicking it in a local file browser or similar . Different browsers take different approaches to applying the Same Origin Policy to local files. My guess is that you're seeing this..

jquery select divs with same id


and that is why i need to use the same id on the divs. jquery selectors share improve this question I would use Different IDs but assign each DIV the same class. div id c 1 class countdown div div id c 2 class countdown div This also has the..